• 100%: really good, life is amazing, pls interact!
  • 90%: still pretty good! stuff could bring me down but im happy. interact!
  • 80%: im good! however there might be something eating at me, or im just getting back up from a bad mood. interaction is fine!
  • 70%-60%: starting to get bluh. ill interact w friends and would love some love, but im probs not in the mood for convo. comforts always help.
  • 50%-40%: not great! i probs wont b around much, but friends can try and talk. dont expect response. comforts might help.
  • 30%-20%: bad! upset! probs in crisis. dont message me unless we're close and u kno how to handle me?? bc im not easy to comfort lol
  • 10%-0%: pls leave me alone im broke lol
sep 9 2018 ∞
sep 9 2018 +