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  • everyone
  • when you plug your ipod into your computer for the first time in ages and tells you that there's no music to scrobble
  • those horrible pimples that are impossible to pop because they're buried underneath the skin and instead form this obnoxious sealed-off bump on your face that hurts like a bitch to even touch
  • how intensely my skin darkens when it's scarred
  • the fact that a tube of kiehl's whitening cream costs $50
  • how my nails chip and peel whenever i wear nailpolish
  • how all my headphones die because i either a) sit on them or b) crush them beneath my textbooks
  • my relentless farmer's tan
  • how little your stomach deflates when you don't get enough sleep
  • when people nap excessively during the day
  • fuckin' acne spreading like wildfire across my face
  • when you realize how stumpy your legs are :(
  • when people (other than w. tbh) move, touch, or take my stuff without asking. NO. just ask me and i will be 100% fine with it but don't rummage through my shit like it's yours.
  • when people expect me to cook them food with meat in it even when they know i don't eat meat. rude.
  • when people can't accept a hypothetical proposal in order to address the moral aspects of a situation. have you never fucking read a dystopian/science fiction novel before?
  • when people don't listen and say things to you like, "what did you just says? you were eating a cuffin?" WHY YES, i just decided one day to refer to my corn muffin by a nonsensical idiotic word like "cuffin" because you can't take 3 seconds to pause and pay attention. NO, I SAID CORN MUFFIN.
  • when i work out, and am supposed to be all happy and full of endorphins, but am instead sitting at my computer typing passive aggressively about all the petty things that make me rage.
sep 6 2009 ∞
nov 26 2010 +