• Use internet very sparingly
  • Don't think about doing stuff, just do it
  • Get straight As
    • Math may be a longshot in this department, so a B is probably more reasonable to hope for
    • Just try a bit harder in general
  • Develop/practice some more legitimate hobbies instead of being on the internet so often
    • SEWING (I have the machine and all of the materials!)
    • Watercolors (why did I stop this?)
    • More recreational photography
    • Learn how to silkscreen? I could go crazy if I know how to do this.
  • Make time to watch more movies
    • I love movies
    • I have not been to a theater since May
      • I missed out on many supposedly good movies of 2010
  • Shop with a focus
  • Take yoga classes (and maybe even zumba) now that I have a Y membership
  • Track-Cycling partnership
  • Work on getting liscense
  • Think less about smithing
    • Well, actually, what's the crime there?
      • So, probably forget this
  • Start flossing again
  • Wear retainers most nights
  • Teeth whitening
  • Don't pass out at night prior to washing face/brushing teeth
  • Have less frantic mornings
    • Make time to WALK to the bus stop and even get coffee on the way with my reusable cup that has been accumulating dust for a year
  • Bring a REUSABLE water bottle to school
    • I'm lazy, I love P-Springs, but I feel bad
  • Be nicer
    • Namely to my mom

I think that's it. I also think that I feel swollen glands coming on. That would ordinarily suck, but maybe they'll get in the way of going to school friday? Eh, wahh.

jan 12 2011 ∞
jan 12 2011 +