Would you kiss anyone you have texts from in your phone? probably =X okay, fine. yes i would. Have you done anything sneaky lately? ummmm not really. Do you look decent when you wake up? this morning, no. If you marry the last person you talked to, what's your new last name?
Are any of your texts in your inbox locked and why? i dont think so. but there are some texts from certain people that i dont delete. What's the last thing you laughed really hard over? pants on the ground, pants on the ground, lookin like a fool with yo pants on the gound. If there were no letters on the keys on your keyboard could you still type? yeahh probably, thank you computer apps..at least you were good for something. Do you wear your seat belt in the car? all the time. Will you talk to someone on the phone tonight? most likely. In the past week have you cried? nopeeeee. Did you reject or accept your last friend request? accepted tita lala. Would you be okay if your boyfriend/girlfriend was friends with an ex? ummmm it depends who the person was...hahaha. When is the next time you'll fly on a plane? ugh this is a depressing question. probably not for a while, like the next time i go to the philippines. i cant wait! Does someone like you right now? who knows.? Do you think you will be married in 5 years? no thank you. What are you listening to? glee. =] Tomorrow is? sunday january 31...28 days till my birthday1! =] Can you recall the last time you liked someone a lot? ummmm yes. shmah. What was the first thing you thought this morning? hey the clock says 1,2,3,4. haha. oh wait its 12:24. wow i need glasses. 12:24?! i should probably wake andrea up now... Could you forgive your best friend for sleeping with your bf/gf? that would never happen. Do you love it when you say something the same time as someone? lol i look at the person with the "get out of my head" expression on my face. Are you wearing any jewelry? earrings and vkja bracelet. Do you have long hair or short? long, but it needs to be longer!!! What were you doing at 7:00 am? fast asleep. Are you nice to everyone? mostly yes. Ever receive a really long apology? uh sure? What kind of phone do you have? a red xenon. <3 How many hours of sleep did you get last night? like 8? Who are you thinking of right now? well considering you asked me how many hours of sleep i got last night..i was thinking of andrea because i slept over her dorm haha. Could you smile right now? yeah, just did. Have you ever trusted someone too much? uh huh. Last time you kissed someone? oh dear god. too long ago. Whats their name begin with? a. What were you doing last night? out freezing my butt off with andrea and rikki. Anything you need to get off your chest? i need to do work!!! Do you dislike anyone? none come to mind at this moment. Are you a mean person? not usually. Where will your next car ride be taking you? uhhhh, home maybe? Something you spend a lot of money on? bubble tea. <3 Are you someones best friend? <333. When was the last time you were told you were cute? ummm yesterday? How is your hair right now? messy bun on top of my head. yum. lol. Spell your full name without 'a','d','h','l',or 'r': kte umgt What are your plans for tomorrow? homework and watching the grammys with the girls. Are you very close to your siblings? i wish i had siblings. Do you like your parents? when theyre not being too overprotective or unreasonable, sure i love my parents. Do you look more like your mom or your dad? mommas face, daddys curly hair. Are you happy right now? im alright. Last piercing you got? second hole!...lots of controversy. ;) Something you're NOT looking forward to? doing work. What were you doing at 1:00 this morning? out with rikki and andrea.