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my lists consist primarily of books yet to be read, adventures yet to be had and music i've yet to tire of.
and a wee bit of narcissism.

listography NEW NEWS
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  • #593 Swapping driver’s licenses with a friend and laughing at each other’s photos
  • #591 Sitting on your freshly made bed and admiring your work after cleaning your room
  • #581 Looking at all the hair on the floor after you just got a haircut
  • #579 Eating the ice cream stuck to lid of the carton
  • #578 Correctly guessing the actor voicing the animated movie character
  • #577 Looking at the clock and seeing that it’s 12:34
  • #575 When the guy with a full cart of groceries lets you go ahead because you’re only buying one thing
  • #572 Learning a new keyboard shortcut
  • #571 Realizing you still remember your childhood friend’s phone number
  • #569 Sharing your stories with friends
  • #566 Unforgettable friends
  • #565 Moving forward and moving on
  • #561 Letting the waves bury your feet at the beach
  • #560 Putting on your most flattering pair of pants
  • #552 When you went to the gym yesterday
  • #551 Photosynthesis
  • #549 School field trip day
  • #539 When you open a book to the exact page you were looking for
  • #538 Laughing so hard you start crying
  • #535 Giant morning stretches accompanied by stupid noises
  • #528 When your pet notices you’re in a bad mood and comes to see you
  • #526 When dreams come true
  • #525 That teacher
  • #513 Peeling that sticky glue off the back of your new credit card
  • #511 The moment on vacation where you forget what day of the week it is
  • #507 Riding on someone’s shoulders when you were a kid
  • #503 Walking into class and seeing a substitute teacher
  • _#498 Long comfortable silences between really close friends__
  • #497 The moment after the show ends and before the applause begins
  • #495 When it suddenly just clicks
  • #494 Cutting your sandwich into triangles
  • #492 The first text message between new friends#490 Driving around with the windows down on late summer nights
  • #485 When someone saves you a seat
  • #483 Do Nothing Days
  • #482 When your shoes are tight enough to stay on your foot but loose enough to slide on and off without untying them
  • #472 Finishing your last exam
  • #468 The moment of anticipation just before the first kiss
  • #467 Guilty pleasure songs
  • #455 Digging a hole in your mashed potatoes and filling it up with gravy
  • #452 Picking things up with your feet
  • #450 Horrible fake accents made by close friends
  • #449 Staying up so late that everything becomes funny
  • #448 The smell and feel of bedsheets that dried in the sun
  • #443 Looking up while underwater
  • #442 Figuring out how we got on this topic
aug 13 2010 ∞
aug 13 2010 +