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my lists consist primarily of books yet to be read, adventures yet to be had and music i've yet to tire of.
and a wee bit of narcissism.

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    • will disappoint me---and its not the end of the world. People will disappoint me, friends or not. Its part of being human, and its a two-way street. Its not intentional, and they are still my friends.
    • There are people I don't see often, yet it never feels like time has escaped us when its time to meet up again.
    • Holding grudges, though hard to avoid, doesn't help a friendship.


    • is best when laughed at.
    • is better with people to share it with.
    • is still unfolding, and should be taken one day at a time.
    • Everyone feels lost, fearful, alone, joyous and complete at some time or another.


    • I am grateful for the people in my life.
    • I am appreciated, and I appreciate my friends.
    • Germany will make me stronger because of its challenges.
    • I like learning about scripture, and having it broken down and explained to me. I respect all religions and am interested by them. I love being able to see just how strong and good people's faith and spirituality can be. (i.e. Brant!)
    • I'm often too proud.


    • "Woof"
    • "La, la la.."
    • "I'm going to have to press the Rude Button on that."
aug 15 2010 ∞
aug 15 2010 +