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It is in these moments of tender, and ridiculous nostalgia that I know something inside of me is still broken.

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"To the boy who left me and said he did it for my own good, Let me be honest. You have a very loving, supportive family, a beautiful dog, a best friend who'd literally take a bullet for you. You sing so well, you write like a dream, you have a pretty face, a killer smile. You're intelligent. Yes when you were little you were picked on. And more often than not, when it came to the good times, you were last pick. Yes, you were bullied, yes people hated you for no apparent reason; you were the kid that always got left behind even after having the purest heart.

I get that. I do.

But that was a phase and it passed. You grew up. It stays with you, that kind of depression and darkness -- but admit it: you can let it go but you don't want to. You've become used to it. It feels familiar, comfortable. You hated them so much, you became them. You don't bully people, but you break them. You get to know them, then dismantle them and leave. You say you abandon people for their own good? You lie. The truth is, you're scared they'll leave you before you do, and it'll feel like 8th grade all over again. That they'll bring light to your dim life and nothing will be the same. Well guess what? Life goes on. People grow up. And they learn. To live, to love, to forgive, to unlearn and most importantly, they learn to let go. You should too."

-- Vashita Madan

jul 21 2016 ∞
jul 21 2016 +