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It is in these moments of tender, and ridiculous nostalgia that I know something inside of me is still broken.

listography NEW NEWS
  • December 30: Internnnnnn apps: where the most important information noted was: "where the heck is circle square?"
  • December 29: It's weird how I used to think I didn't judge people when I did. He's not as dumb as people make him seem. I think he knows more than he's given credit for.
  • December 26: And so, the recluse life begins. ^_^
  • December 25: "Do you guys want ice cream?"/"wtf did Max just text you that as well?"
  • December 24: Acoustic Mayday Parade <3. The day they become mainstream is the day my life ends.
  • December 23: I'm sorry, I should've accepted your flaws earlier.
  • December 22: Kathorganara
  • December 16: My dear, I sincerely wish I could care more for your trivial sufferings. But between my sore teeth and injured achilles tendon, I really can't. (Or to cut all the bullshit: My foot injury means more than the idiotic pains you create for yourself and expect me to fix ok.)
  • December 15: Maybe I'll finally qualify for a cast. :') (why am I happy about this wtf)
  • December 9: You know I really care about you when you go through my pencil case and I don't flip shit; something that's happened with only two people. ^_^
  • December 8: LOOOOOL. I wish I was meaner and I could just lol everything omg.
  • December 6: hallway rants with Shelly Yin.
  • December 3: I can feel everything shifting. I knew things would change. You can leave. I'll be okay. I promise.
  • December 1: These mind tricks seem so third-grade
  • November 30: It's in those tender ages of childhood where they explore to be different, to colour outside of the lines, to march to the beat of their own drums. Literally. And then a year passes --maybe two -- before us, society, begin to prey on them. And you wonder why people miss the butterfly when they themselves killed the caterpillar.
  • November 28: Health and Wellness meetings are actually so fucking serene.
  • November 27: To anyone passing by, they would've picked out a crowd of socially awkward friends, simply because of the lack of verbal energy. But I believe that we were lost in our own worlds of contemplation and we were okay with that. (Man our troubles hit us hard.)
  • November 26: It's funny. One day, it's all I could think about, all I could worry about. My BS radar was down there along with my humble-ness. The next day, I couldn't give more than 2 shits about it even if I tried. pce
  • November 24: Lucid dreaming; that's what it is.
  • November 23: I have the power. I have the power to shape their thoughts before it's corrupted. I have the power to start them off right. I have the power to brighten their day once a week. And I'm not going to let that all go to waste.
  • November 21: There'll be a shitload of people who are willing to eat lunch with you but when you finally need to rant, it's you against the world.
  • November 20: Chemistry is so fucking beautiful because I finally understand moles. My ignorance for fine details has also led me to not make certain mistakes LOL.
  • November 17: "HERE, I'LL SHOW MY ASIAN LOVE FOR YOU." omg I have never laughed so hard.
  • November 16: If we all saw each other in our most vulnerable states, we'd all fall in love.
  • November 14: Today I understood the phrase: "I felt my eyelids closing shut."
  • November 13: every second wasted complaining is a second that could have been used to fix the problem. To put it frankly: nobody gives a shit.
  • November 12: I need to talk to the elderly more.
  • November 5: My friend told me the quote, "The one who laughs last laughs best". How true that is haha.
  • October 29: It amazes me how so many of us could be feeling the same way but we never know because we’re all so busy hiding our feelings. We're so busy perfecting our fake smiles, and assuming that everyone else is oh so happy, that we forgot that sadness is an accepted emotion. We forgot that every night, others cry into their pillows and dream of shot-down daydreams. We're so caught up on this so-called "Road to Happiness" that we forgot how to be truly vulnerable.
  • October 25: "you look like a giraffe when you cross your eyes"/"yep you just go up and down and up and down.....wait.."
  • October 23: I'm sorry I did what I did. But honestly, you can't put all the blame on me because I was stupid, just like you.
  • October 19 & 20: falling asleep next to the people you love the most in the world.
  • October 18: what's been going on in my head all week: CAMPCAMPCAMPCAMPCAMPCAMPCAMPCAMP
  • October 16: wow..just woooow
  • October 11: "Ew! Stop that."/"Stop what?"/"Cracking your knuckles; it's gross."/"Well this cast is going to get along just great."
  • October 4: I felt truly in the moment then and there as I thought about all that we were and all that we aspired to be. Me with my failing marks, new-found hope, and unclear head. And her with her beautiful voice, limitless potential, and a head just as unclear as mine. And it hit me that we were never going to be younger than we were in that moment. The people that walked past us, the couple on the corner, the kid in his karate uniform; they would never know our stories or what led up to that point. They would never understand why on that fall day, two girls sat on the curb, one singing her heart out and the other caught up in the moment. Why on that fall day for those 10 minutes, life stopped for me.
  • October 2: pizza + friends + nice massages <3
  • September 27: I thought that I had myself all figured out. But I guess there's still bits and pieces of me tucked into dusty corners that I haven't dug into yet.
  • September 26: I've stopped tagging personal posts on tumblr. This is the pursuit of happiness. c:
  • September 23: Thanksgiving plans with Henry, Songheng, Max, Kevin, Connie, and Angela
  • September 22: fuck
  • September 20: Dead Poets Society & Chris Cummins. | I logged out at 11:11, thinking that it had once been our thing. And it amazed me at how fast things change and how great the speeds are at which our lives unravel before us.
  • September 19: confusingconfusingconfusingconfusing. is this even worth it?
  • September 12: You are not alone, and this is not the end of your story.
  • September 11: The people that I surround myself with is completely different from grade 9. I've lost quite a few friends, and I'm only going to lose more. But with every loss comes a new gain, and life works out in the end, I suppose.
  • September 10: more of Sungha Jung
  • September 9: "I'm clear, you're clear, we're all clear."
  • September 8: cows eating granola bars, cows eating chewy things, cow eating grass, cow eating grass, cow eating grass, a dog sniffing a fire hydrant, a wild creature staring at a burning bush. YOQO hahaha
  • September 7: It's a fresh start; it's like that perfect patch of sand, on the perfect pristine beach, that you don't want to ruin, but you will bound to eventually. I just hope that when I finally do, my footprints will be everything I had hoped for and more.
  • September 5: Reading "The Painted Door" in English and getting shivers down my back.
  • September 3: I watch Olivia's video when I'm feeling sad and I think about how that could've been me in the video, except that it's not.
  • September 1: Today I said "thank you" to a nervous/distressed employee. What was the result? I had a 30 people-filled theatre turn and stare at me and one girl laughed. But I made that employee feel better and I made myself feel good for having the confidence to yell that out so fuck them.
  • August 31: chilling in the shade, instructing classes, not listening, hahahaha
  • August 30: watching Aquamarine and baking cupcakes with Morgan and Clara. It was so nice just to spend time with people I care about and to laugh freely.
  • August 28: missing NLS fam
  • August 26: Passing NLS
  • August 25: Massive human jenga with spinal injuries + fractures + other stuff that I can't remember.
  • August 24: Spending a day at wonderland with Quest. Honestly the best time I've ever had. & Nick + I losing "our baby" during missing child rescues LOLOL
    • getting a funnel cake and card as a belated
    • man this day was perfect
  • August 23: (morning) ghost stories in the park, sharing memories and cry fest moments in a tent, not being squished in a tent for once, rapping to eminem LOL
  • August 22: Canoeing in rapids, singing songs, being stuck 50m behind everyone else, sharing stories. "OK GUYS WE WON'T GET STUCK LIKE THEY ALL ARE. NOW PADDLE REALLY FAST. LIKE REALLY FAST."
  • August 19: NLS rescues, I actually love these despite the number of victims I've probably killed. And passing all my physicals!
  • August 18: Spinal board saving
  • August 17: Going shopping by myself.
  • August 16: Starting on my story again.
  • August 15: Birthday dinner with friends at Jack Astor's.
  • August 14: birthday dinner/movie marathon with my Mom. ♥
  • August 13: McD's & Goodlife with a pal.
  • August 12: Catching up with camp friends over facebook chat.
  • August 11: introducing myself to people at fellowship and being open.
aug 13 2012 ∞
jan 1 2013 +