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It is in these moments of tender, and ridiculous nostalgia that I know something inside of me is still broken.

listography NEW NEWS
  • December 10: WHY
  • October 19: It's fascinating how I exist to people. It's fascinating how some people are so full of love and patience. It's fascinating how talking to an old pal can bring forth a wave of nostalgia and peace. It's fascinating, this thing we call our "feelings."
  • October 5: Do you ever realize how many problems there are to deal with? And all these problems have no easy solutions. It's like a mental illness: it didn't happen overnight. Instead, it was a buildup of years and years of mess that in the end, you don't even know how it started. You can't pinpoint a moment in the past when everything started going to shit. So how do you go about solving it? It honestly feels like there's an infinite amount of solutions, but who knows which one will work? How do you begin to unravel something that's been so tightly and intricately wound up?
  • October 1: "How much are your wienersss?"
  • September 28: I love how I'm able to focus during sermons and bible studies now. It's such a great feeling.
  • September 19: Remember when I thought Chemistry and Functions were annoying? Well, enter Accounting.
  • September 17: I actually have no patience anymore like bye idgaf
  • September 10: #reasonswhyidontlikeyou
  • September 6: In grade 10, I told myself I'd be a DECA exec for grade 11. In grade 11, I told myself to focus on The Canadian Cancer Society, placing at ICDC, volleyball, and my average for grade 12. Now in grade 12, I'm a DECA "exec." #what
  • September 5: The beginnings of school years are annoying af.
  • September 3: To the outcast on her knees, You were the God who really sees.
  • September 2: I am so thankful for Titus fellowship. This weekend was unreal.
  • August 25: Falling asleep in Henry's bed omg. Best morning nap ever.
  • August 24: Worm fights
  • August 23: "Just picture yourself as a fuzzy animal."
  • August 18: I need to reevaluate my life because this is ridiculous.
  • August 7: My friend is landing in Ontario very very very soon.
  • August 1: That was the best fucking week of my life.
  • July 25: I'm tired of being second choice. I'm tired of being the girl to talk to at 2am when no one else is awake. I'm tired I'm tired I'm tired. And maybe someday I won't be there; what'cha gonna do then?
  • July 23: I never needed you.
  • July 20: Today was a lesson well learned
  • July 14: c:
  • July 11/12: Stargazing and sleeping under the stars all cuddled up
  • July 5: BQQs and swimming in the rain
  • July 1: Best Cday by far
  • June 29: He looked really happy today and I'm so glad.
  • June 28: no | I've noticed that I've stopped discreetly describing things. I'm all about that "one word" lyfe
  • June 25: omg
  • June 23: ew
  • June 9: It's like I'm holding my thoughts back from myself.
  • June 8: The look on his face was worth it 2394803032%.
  • June 7: I am who I am because of those who came before me.
  • June 6: I strongly dislike how irresponsible you are.
  • June 4: these stress levels have hit their max omg
  • May 29: and you will keep me safe, and you will keep me warm.
  • May 20: talks
  • May 19: dt. this is what it's supposed to feel like.
  • May 14: Beauty I know she is
  • May 12: I hate my indeciveness and amazing ability to overthink.
  • May 11: Fellowship :)
  • May 7: why do all the amazing plans happen on the same
  • May 4: too many feels stahp it
  • May 2: amazing feels
  • April 28: those 3 hours were absolutely amazing. I don't think I've ever felt that happy before.
  • April 27: so proud. heard our names being called for top ten and I was done. :')
  • April 19: done maori. done probability test. done erryting omg. CALIFORNIA HERE I COME
  • April 17: can't tell if binomial or not fml
  • April 16: Last official DECA roleplay performed in Canada. First time Ghadially wasn't here. Amazing econ class. Higher averages. Not falling asleep in french. Today was decent (:
  • April 15: That Data pop quiz...............was beautiful.
  • April 12: She's so amazing. She deserves so much better. This is his last chance omg. What the actual heck is wrong with guys right now?
  • April 9: so much to look forward to (:
  • April 8: everything's perfect right now. <3
  • April 6: little mini rant on how amazing tonight was. <3
  • April 5: peaceful
  • April 3: Every song I listen to reminds me of you omg why did I ever send them to you.
  • April 2: I am actually so blessed, I can't believe it. God is amazing.
  • April 1: "God will never take anything away from you without giving you something so much better."
  • March 31: There's something fundamentally wrong with the saying, "If someone wants you in their life, they'll find a way to put you there." We're all waiting for that person we care about to smush other stuff to make room for us, while they're doing the same thing. We expect them to fight for us while we act the part of a damsel in distress. I figure if you want something, you go out and fight for it. And even if your happily-ever-after turned out not to be, then so be it. People crave honesty and yet, nobody is willing to give it. In the end, everyone deserves better than what they settle for.
  • March 29: Your decision was kind of ironic, then, wasn't it? Teach me how to say "thank you" without a bitter heart. "We accept the love we think we deserve." "Not really sure how to feel about this, something in the way you move."
  • March 26: I hope tomorrow goes well; I'm so grateful for her; I realize this is an incorrect use of semicolons; I'm too tired to care; good night
  • March 21: I haven't felt sad in a really, really long time. I guess that's a good thing.
  • March 18: more mixed feelings
  • March 17: long messages and broken promises. that feeling you get when you get snaked so hard by the friend who's supposed to mean the most.
  • March 16: cancer survivors & "I am home."
  • March 12: pls HPJ, don't hurt me
  • March 9: And you don't fit in my arms like he would.
  • March 8: HOW MANY 7 LETTER WORDS CAN BE FORMED FROM THE LETTERS IN "TENNESSEE". LIST ALL MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE CASES. I think I leaked some tears when I saw that question. :')
  • March 7: You have reached a whole new level of fakeness. Gud1
  • March 4: my math teacher being absent was the highlight of my day.
  • February 24: It broke my heart when she asked her sister who was going to help her. Honestly, camp makes me realize how trivial my little problems are.
  • February 22: no
feb 22 2013 ∞
jan 4 2014 +