• “if i let myself go, i'm the only one to blame”
  • we must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.
  • if you wear your heart on your sleeve, don't be surprised when it gets dirty.
  • “i used to feel so alone in the city. all those gazillions of people and then me, on the outside. because, how do you meet a new person? i was very stumped by this for many years. and then i realized, you just say ‘hi.’ they may ignore you. or you may marry them. and that possibility is worth that one word.”
  • right now, i’m content not needing him and not yet knowing if i will ever need him again.
  • non sum qualis eram
  • holding a grudge is letting someone live rent-free in your head.
  • “never have any expectations, especially high ones. don't play out and rehearse the 'perfect scenario' in your head because when the time comes, it will be a bust.”
jul 8 2010 ∞
aug 9 2011 +