• 10+ self/family.
  • 5+ each about 2 friends.
  • 10+ about bill gates.
  • Translate these to jpn Sue has a lot of money(172).
  • Tom's hair is long (tom wa kami ga nagai desu) (174).
  • I went to the dpt store to buy a bag. There is 1 japanese person in the class(175).
  • The food at the restraunt is inexpensive and delicious.
  • Sue said there would be an exam tomorrow( 193).
  • Please dont take pictures here( 194).
  • I like studying japanese( 194).
  • Robert -ga- went to okinawa(195).
  • The cat has brought something-nanika (196).
  • Then fill in the blanks from the ch. 7&8 stories in the beginning of the chapter
  • The ones without page #'s should be nearby. Its all in the grammar sections
  • Dr.Kia in5yrs

dou itashimashite Dr.Kia in5yrs you can modify that to "iie, dou itashimashite" which means "no, you're very welcome" P. Hyperborean you guys win at life P. Hyperborean and language I guess Dr.Kia in5yrs you may also mirror arigato by responding with "sochikoso arigato gozaimasu" which means "thank you as well" Dr.Kia in5yrs change that to "sochira koso" if it's more than one person you're replying to Dr.Kia in5yrs i mean NOT SOCHI Dr.Kia in5yrs KOCHI Dr.Kia in5yrs kochikoso and kochira koso sorry Dr.Kia in5yrs that's me getting confused there Dr.Kia in5yrs kochikoso / kochira koso arigato gozaimasu = "i would like to thank you as well" Dr.Kia in5yrs if you want a self-denial response that sounds more like "don't mention it" or "it's nothing" Dr.Kia in5yrs you can say "iie, iie, tondemonai desu" = "no, no, it's not a big deal" Dr.Kia in5yrs the deeper, more subtle meaning of "tondemonai desu" is a denial of trouble on your part. it's like saying that what you did was something granted, not something to be thanked for, because you Dr.Kia in5yrs value them that much and would take that time to do that thing for them regardless of recognition. Dr.Kia in5yrs appropriate for serious situations such as when you're thanked by family for visiting their very sick daughter who is your close friend. Dr.Kia in5yrs yet another variation is cutting short the earlier "kochira koso arigato gozaimasu" to just "kochira koso" which can roughly translate to "the pleasure is mine" or, more concisely, "likewise."

sep 30 2012 ∞
jan 26 2013 +