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if she said we partied
then i'm pretty sure we partied
i really don't remember
i remember we departed from our bodies
and we all woke up in ybor city

listography NEW NEWS
  • pay off final $0.10 of library fine
  • replace burnt out headlight (passenger side)
  • get oil change
  • start vitamin regimen: multi, calcium+D, flaxseed oil, emergen-C; daily
  • return skirt to Gap
  • get more notecards from Hallmark
  • get postcards
feb 15 2011 ∞
feb 15 2011 +
  • Daria Morgendorffer (Daria)
  • Lindsay Weir (Freaks and Geeks)
  • Liz Lemon (30 Rock)
  • Dr. Greg House (House)
  • Enid Coleslaw (Ghost World)
  • Maeby Funke (Arrested Development)
oct 19 2010 ∞
oct 19 2010 +
  • Cornelius, who went by "Kerny." He was a jeweler and also deaf.
  • Iver, who is at the top of my list of people I wish I met or am most excited for if there's an afterlife.
  • Alvina and
  • Erna, who were my great-grandmothers, but also best friends to the point where I thought they were sisters.
  • Timothy, who decided that it was better to leave the potato famine and walk straight into the Civil War.
  • Dick, who had the nickname "Boobie" growing up. Dude can't catch a break.
jul 16 2010 ∞
jul 16 2010 +
  • Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close - Foer
  • Ghost World - Clowes
  • A Visit From the Goon Squad - Egan
  • Nothing Nice To Say, Vol. 2 - Clem
  • Tricked - Robinson
jun 27 2010 ∞
aug 20 2010 +
  • oil change for the buick
  • call about typewriter repair
  • exchange knitting needle at Borealis
  • visit mom
  • maintain patience and dignity under pressure
  • Dharma party Tuesday night
  • improv level 2s begin Wednesday!
  • find copy of Vignettes (cover 9) for bonus track chords
  • prepare manifesto for Manifesto Night
  • get computer/hard drive checked out at Genius Bar
may 22 2010 ∞
jun 27 2010 +
  • america's next top model, current cycle
  • lost, current season
  • it's always sunny in philadelphia, season 2/3/4/5 (again)
  • law and order, syndicated, must have briscoe
  • house, current season
  • 30 rock, current season
  • spaced, season 1, 2
  • jeeves and wooster, season 1
  • homicide, season 1, 2, 3
may 9 2010 ∞
jun 8 2010 +

with love and gratitude to Andy for sharing his Audible account with me.

  • The Bedwetter - Silverman
  • Blink - Gladwell
  • Barrel Fever and Other Stories - Sedaris
  • Naked - Sedaris
  • Outliers - Gladwell
  • Republican Gomorrah - Blumenthal
  • Gang Leader for a Day - Venkatesh
  • What the Dog Saw - Gladwell
feb 9 2011 ∞
may 6 2011 +
  • Doctor Proctor's Fart Powder - Nesbo
  • The Call of the Weird - Theroux
  • When Skateboards Will Be Free - Sayrafiezadeh
  • I Kissed Dating Goodbye - Harris
  • Superstud - Feig
  • Kick Me - Feig
sep 3 2010 ∞
nov 6 2010 +

birthdays are stupid. I don't really tell anyone when it's my birthday because I think that after age 12, it just comes off as desperate.

  • age 3: I think my mom hired a clown.
  • age 5: Barbie birthday party.
  • age 8: first sleepover party.
  • age 9: stuck at mountain man rendezvous in Wyoming.
  • age 13: first day of 8th grade, the only time I've been to school on my birthday.
  • age 15: saw Def Leppard at the State Fair, the first of five times.
  • age 16: mono.
  • age 19: visited various public housing sites with my first college class.
  • age 21: drive in a mini-van with my parents for six hours to move into my new apartment the next day, spend night with my grandparents and feel so self conscious that I only have one beer.
jun 27 2010 ∞
sep 3 2010 +

I need to stop checking out the rejects corner at the library. These books are all roughly 7 inches tall.

  • Fahrenheit 451 - Bradbury
  • All Quiet on the Western Front - Remarque
  • 1984 - Orwell
  • Heart of Darkness - Conrad
  • Of Mice and Men - Steinbeck
  • The Third Man - Greene
  • The Edge of Sadness - O'Connor
  • The Man Who Loved Children - Stead
  • Siddhartha - Hesse
  • Ethan Frome - Wharton
  • One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest - Kesey
  • All the Conspirators - Isherwood
  • One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich - Solzhenitsyn
  • Brideshead Revisited - Waugh
  • Dangling Man - Bellow
  • Dr. Strangelove - George
may 24 2010 ∞
aug 12 2010 +
  • New York City (#1): visited June 2009 with then-boyfriend. saw our favorite band 4 nights in a row, rode 40 hours on a train round trip, didn't get to see any of the museums I wanted to since he went broke in two days.
  • Chicago (#3): lived there Sept 2005 to Dec 2009. got a college degree, fell in love with improv comedy and a few boys, got into biking and got hit by a car twice, sat in the old library and imagined my great-grandmother going there in the 1920s. cried when the White Sox won the Series in 2005 because my grandfather, a fan for his entire 75 years, never got to see that.
  • Philadelphia (#6): visited August 2007 with family. had a lot of awkward moments since the night before we got there, my dad found out about the tattoo I had hidden from him for months. also nearly knocked...
may 16 2010 ∞
jun 27 2010 +
  • The Sopranos
  • Breaking Bad (start over)
  • Black Books
  • Boardwalk
  • Homicide (finish up)
  • Undeclared
  • Barney Miller
  • Law and Order: SVU (finish up)
  • The Wire
oct 19 2010 ∞
jan 26 2011 +

here's a list of places I've seen The Hold Steady because they're the only shows that I can think of in a linear fashion.

  • Metro, Chicago IL, Oct. 2006. First show, Craig says that I know what he means when he says the part about City Center in "Yr Little Hoodrat Friend." He also mentions my hometown (which we discussed while talking before the show), which I am still astounded by.
  • House of Blues, Chicago IL, Jan. 2007. This show, I meet Hot Grad School Mike for the first time. He offers me a ride home, we end up getting milkshakes at McDonalds and they kick us out 90 minutes after they close.
  • Metro, Chicago IL, Oct. 2007. Preserved for posterity on "A Positive Rage." Not particularly noteworthy.
  • Pitchfork Music Festival, Chicago IL, July 2008. I meet the Unified Scene for the ...
jul 16 2010 ∞
jan 30 2011 +
  • Veronica Mars
  • Community
  • Black Books
  • Breaking Bad (again)
  • Homicide (seasons 3-8)
jun 20 2010 ∞
jun 27 2010 +

"summer grants us all the power to drink on top of watertowers / with love and trust and shows all summer (get hammered!) / let this be my annual reminder / that we could all be something bigger." (The Hold Steady, "Constructive Summer")

from June 1 to Aug 31:

  • go skydiving again
  • read at least 10 books
  • see PRB again; make something happen or get him out of the system (ideally, make something happen)
  • write something of moderate length at least three times a week
  • see as much improv as humanly possible
  • save at least $500 worth of paycheck
  • maintain patience and love with mom through her recovery
  • see The Hold Steady at the Cabooze and First Ave, because there's always other boys (or to be more direct, fuck him!)
may 20 2010 ∞
jul 16 2010 +