• "It's like someone's massaging your back, only they have balls for hands."
  • "I need a hole for my ass."
  • "You know that giddy feeling you get when you first meet a boy? I get that with things."
  • "It's so much easier to want material things. I try to avoid deep things. Like, world peace and true love...fuck that, that's hard."
  • "You don't understand, Kaye, it was so bad. All the foreign exchange students in my building think my name is 'Asian Sensation.'"
  • "No, like, everyone was surrounding her and telling her it was going to be alright, and I was trying to tap dance in the street."
  • "I just met someone named Biggins."
  • "How does this shit work for you? Masochist. This should go under shit you don't do when you're sad. Another thing to add to that would be reading Chicken Soup for the Couples' Soul. I was reading it for like half an hour, I think I hate myself now."
may 22 2007 ∞
dec 15 2008 +