• 1. Fanny Packs. Maybe it's the articles telling us to watch our wallets.
  • white socks
  • gym shoes
  • shorts
  • baseball caps
  • 2. Drinking Too Much. It's just that alcohol is way more taboo here than most other countries. When kids go some place that actually lets them drink, they don't know what their limit is because nobody told them how to drink responsibly.
  • Plus, Hospitals. since we spend two and a half times more on healthcare than you guys do. Americans want to learn your secrets.
  • 3. Talking To Strangers. Granted, not all Americans do this, but for the ones who do, it's an immediate signal that you're from the U.S. It's not the accent that comes out when you open your mouth, it's the fact that you opened your mouth in the first place. American friendliness is a little different than what you see elsewhere.
  • 4. Applauding. Everywhere. For Everything. Plane landing? Applause. Movie theater? Applause. Just stop already. I'm American and this drives ME crazy.
  • 5. Tipping. It's is important in America because most waiters make less than $3 an hour and rely on tips to pay their rent. However, most other countries actually make restaurants pay their employees. Tipping is baffling across most of Europe.
  • 6. Going To McDonald's. Baffling behavior when you travel to go somewhere that you can get the same food you get at home. They seem to be the largest audience for McDonald's overseas, so much so that "Are they eating McDonald's?" is one question locals ask themselves to figure out whether a foreigner is American or not.
  • 7. Your Accent. The timbre of your voice. As hilarious as other peoples' attempts are to "do an American accent"—America is a huge country with tons of different accents—the timbre of your voice is still a massive giveaway.
  • 8. Trying Someone Else's Accent. when you're trying not to sound American, that's when you sound most American. If you try this in the U.K., you should know that being compared to Dick van Dyke is not a compliment in this context.
  • 9. Loudness. Americans haven't quite nailed the "inside voice" thing just yet. Oh, cheeses, my husband. I have a European sensibility and sound bothers me.
  • 10. Not Knowing The Customs.
  • from this article - http://travel.alot.com/themes/10-ways-to-spot-an-american-abroad--9775?s=5
dec 24 2015 ∞
dec 24 2015 +