Luciano Vargas | age unknown | he/him

Luciano was my first system mate! he usually only fronts when i feel really bad :( he’s very formal and can come off a little cold, but he means well! please don’t call him luci! Does not have his own account, but sometimes will pop in on mine!

Elliott Kinoshita | age disclosed | he/they

Elliott is super sweet and very energetic! he likes using emojis and usually talks kinda childish! he’s older than i am tho! he has a lot of trouble with interacting with people, so please be gentle with him! he doesn’t front very often due to anxiety, but i’m sure he’d be happy to have a friend or two! does not have an account!

Montparnasse | 19 | he/him

Montparnasse is my co host, he fronts rather often and likes being around people! He’s a little nosey and asks a lot of questions, but he’s very respectful, i promise! he’s very easy to talk to, in my opinion, and is very open minded! His account is @montsous

nov 27 2017 ∞
jan 12 2018 +