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most of these are stupid things I've got on board with during my life....many things that are probs embarrassing.

  • those tennis shoes that are like...platform shoes.
    • Yeah. wanted to buy some of those in the 4th grade. My best friend Heather Hines had them, but i got to the store and i just COULDN"T blow so much money on them. Looking back, they were fugly.
  • jelly bracelets.
  • Spice Girls.
    • "If you wanna be my lover" yeah what kind of talk is that for little girls? Probs not good...I LOVED them but my mom never let me listen to them. Now I understand why.
  • Furby.
    • are you KIDDING me? I remember HAVING to get one of those, But then it was annoying and woke me up in the middle of the night.
  • the spiky haircut.
    • yeah...6th grade-8th grade. 9 out of 10 times, i HATE pictures of me from that era.
  • Blues Clues.
    • i remember when EVERY girl my age (all way too old for it) loved BLues Clues. I had SO many stickers of it and watched the show all the time.
  • The Macarena.
  • WWJD. (What Would Jesus Do)
    • i had 2 of those bracelets and I thought they were a really really nice idea. I do NOT think that people used them for what they were really meant for. that's unfortunate, because it was a good idea.
  • yo-yos.
    • while i still love a good yo-yo, there was a time when they actually BANNED them in elementary because they were out of control. Same thing with:
  • Giga Pets and Tamagotchis.
    • I think i had like...3. They were freakin FUN back in the day. Greg and I bought one at GOodwill last year thinking it would be awesome, but it was freakin annoying.
  • Pogs.
  • Beanie Babies.
    • OHHHHH MAN. that was a HUGE stage for me. I had over 100. I competed with other girls in my class, had the collector's book and the whole enchilada. EVeryone was like "Save them and when you're in college they'll be WORTH something!" they're not. k thanks.
  • Using the lingo.
    • i guess i still do this, but i once used phrases like: "no duh" and "cool beans" and "as if." yes, yes i did.
  • butterfly clips.
    • i had a ton. and they were pretty. lol
  • Jonathan Taylor Thomas.
    • although i THOROUGHLY enjoyed this fad.I had a poster of him hanging on my wall standing on train tracks that i used to take pictures with. I did. and i liked it.
  • the bowl cut.
    • it was unfortunate and Mom made me do it.
  • Bell Bottoms.
  • Ring Pops.
    • my mom and dad and i drove ALL over Monticello one day looking for one of those. THanks mom and dad. they were SO cool! I tried one recently though...and it was VERY high in high fructose corn syrup and tasted bad. bummer.
  • 90's nickelodeon.
  • overalls.
  • messy buns.
    • honestly, who DIDN'T!?
feb 22 2009 ∞
jun 24 2012 +