list icon
  • how terrible people are the happy ones
  • how no one gets caught for the bad shit they do
  • why so many people "love" me, yet, never hangout with me
  • that people i introduce to eachother don't talk to me, but are the best of friends now or are dating
  • why the people who don't deserve to be happy and free are
  • why people believe the far-fetched rumors about me
  • why gas prices are so high
  • that we're friends
  • how kids think having sex with whoever is totally fine and harmless
    • how those people aren't prego
    • how those people don't have diseases
    • how those people's parents have no idea
  • no one can ever get rides anywhere, yet they are at every event
  • how i'm always the one that is there for people no matter what and i always get fucked over
  • that i can't find love
  • that i'm still like this, but i've lost so much supposedly
  • how best friends can turn into worst enemies
  • that you all think you are invincible
  • that your parents either don't give a damn or are oblivious that their teenagers are fools
  • that i haven't killed someone yet
  • that my family isn't homeless yet
  • that i'm still dealing with all of this b.s.
  • how people can lie and lie, but still have friends and family that would do anything for them
  • how you are doing "so badly," but can pick up and go across the country
  • that your parents are so strict, but you're so fucked up
  • that no one cares about anyone but themselves anymore
  • that you're miles away and never coming back
  • that i didn't cry the last time
  • that no matter how much you all hurt and tear me apart, i always take you back when you come crawling, crying to me
  • that i'm not insane yet
  • that i'm not insane yet
  • that i'm not insane yet
  • that maybe i'm going insane
jun 13 2009 ∞
mar 7 2021 +