- だらだら-pouring liquid; prevaricating; long; gentle slope; sluggishly; endlessly
- 結局(けっきょく)-eventually; in the end
- 本社(ほんしゃ)-head office; main office; headquarters
- 総本山(そうほんぞん)-head temple of a sect; organizational headquarters
- そほん-crude
- そうほん-herbs
- そうほ-complement
- 明治神宮(めいじじんぐう)-Meiji Shrine
- 交流(こうりゅう)-cultural exchange; intermingling; alternating current; AC
- 似非(えせ)-false; would-be; sham; pretended
- 苦戦(くせん)-close game; hard game
- 球場(きゅうじょう)-baseball stadium
- 成長(せいちょう)-to grow into adulthood
- 遂げた(とげる)-to accomplish; to achieve; to carry out
- ナイター-game under lights; night game (baseball, etc)
- 清々しい(すがすがしい)-refreshing
- きゅうきょう-general term for nine holes in body of humans and animals
- きゅうきょう-Roman Catholicism
- きゅうじょう-hilltop
- きゅうじょう-theater closure
- きゅうじょう-Imperial Palace
- きゅうじょう-bow-shaped; arched
- きゅうじょう-distress; wretched condition
- きゅうじょう-shape of a globe; globe-shaped; spherical
- 和やかな家庭(なごやかなかてい)-happy; harmonious family
- めちゃくちゃ-(adv)absurd; unreasonable; nonsensical, preposterous; incoherent, extreme; senseless
- 抗する(こうする)-to resist; to defy
- こうして-thus
- 熟睡(じゅくすい)-sound sleep
- 熟す(じゅくす)-to break to pieces; to digest; to handle easily
- 重水(じゅうすい)-heavy water
- 絵になりま(えになります)-make a picture; pretty as a picture
- 綾子(りんず)-fingered satin
- 脳梗塞(のうこうそく)-stroke; blood vessel blocked in the brain
- 自力(じりき)-self-made
- 絵画(かいが)-painting; picture
- 無表情(むひょうじょう)-expressionless
- 表情(むひょう)-facial expression
- 信用(しんよう)-confidence; dependence; faith
- 朝飯前(あさめしまえ)-trivial matter
- 朝飯(あさめし)-breakfast
- 推定(すいてい)-estimation; presumption
- 店番(みせばん)-store person; store tending
- 上目使い(うわめづかい)-upward eyes; upward glance
- 高級(こうきゅう)-high grade; high class
- 命令(めいれい)-order; decree; statement
- 勝手に(かってに)-by one's own accord
- 要求(ようきゅう)-demand; firm request
- チョンチョン-sound of wooden clappers clapping; punctuation marks such as the dakuten
- 慣れた(たれた)-practiced; familiar
- 逆さま(さかさま)-inversion; upside-down
- 抱っこ(だっこ)-(child's)hug; carrying a baby in one's arms
- だくてん-voiced consonant marks
- 諸行無常(しょぎょうむじょう)-the impermanence of worldly things; all things are transitionary
- 天上天下(てんじょうてんげ)-throughout the heavens and the Earth
- 唯我独尊(ゆいがどくそん)-self-conceit; self-centeredness; vainglory
- 安穏無事(あんのんぶじ)-peace and quiet
- 風林火山(ふうりんかざん)-"Swift as wind, quiet as the forest, fierce as fire, and immovable as a mountain."
- 自業自得(じごうじとく)-paying for one's mistakes; you reap what you sow; suffering the consequences (of one's actions)
- っていうか-or rather (say); or better (say); how should i put it
- 臥薪嘗胆(がしんしょうたん)enduring unspeakable hardships for the sake of vengeance)
- がんしん-nystagmus; rapid involuntary eye movements
- 一期一会(いちごいちえ)- “Once In A Lifetime Opportunity”
- 一期(いちご)- one's lifetime
- 石二鳥(いっせきにちょう)- “Killing two birds with one stone”
- 初志貫徹(しょしかんてつ)-“Achieving one’s original intention”
- 初志(しょし)-original intention
- 以心伝心(いしんでんしん)-“Without any need for words”
- 凌辱(りょうじょく)-insult; affront; disgrace; sexual assault
- 触手(しょくしゅ)-tentacle; feeler tentacle
- 温故知新(おんこちしん)-“Learning from the past”
- 花鳥風月(かちょうふうげつ)-“The beauties of nature”
- 花鳥(かちょう)-flowers and birds
- 風月(ふうげつ)-nature's beauty (cool breeze and bright moon)
- 臥薪嘗胆(がしんしょうたん)- “Going through thick and thin to attain one’s objective”
- 嘗(なめ)-lick; person who tastes medicine to see if there is poison
- 薪(まき/なきぎ)-fire wood
- 胆(きも/たん)-liver; innards; courge; spirit; pluck; guts
- 質実剛健(しつじつごうけん)- “Unaffected and sincere”
- 質実(しんじつ)-simplicity; plainness
- 剛健(こうげん)-vigor; virility; health; sturdiness
- 十人十色(じゅうにんといろ)- “To each his own”
- 晴耕雨読(せいこううどく)-“Living in quiet retirement dividing time between work and intellectual pursuits”; working in the field in fine weather and reading at home in fine weather
- 清浄潔白(せいじょうけっぱく)- “Pure in heart and with a clean conscious”; upright and clean-handed
- 潔白(はっぱく)-innocence
- 切磋琢磨(せっさたくま)-“Cultivate one’s mind by studying hard”
- 切磋(せっさ)-polishing stones; polishing character
- 琢磨(たくま)-polish jewels; cultivation
- 天真爛漫(てんしんらんまん)-“Simple and innocent”
- 天真(てんしん)-naivete
- 転進(てんしん)-changing course or direction
- 天神(てんしん)-heavenly gods; spirit of Sugawara no Michizane; Tenmangu Shrine (dedicated to Michizane's spirit)
- 転身(てんしん)-job turnover
- 転(くるり)-turning around (once); suddenly; beautiful round eyes; completely (wrapped up in something); quickly (unwrapping something); flail (for threshing grain)
- 点心(てんしん/てんじん)-Zen monk's early morning meal; cakes; refreshment; simple Chinese food; Dim Sum
- 天心(てんしん)-zenith; divine will; providence
- 日進月歩(にっしんげっぽ)-“Steady progress”
- 不言実行(ふげんじっこう)-“Actions before words”
- 不言(ふげん)-silence
- 実行(じっこう)-practice
- 粉骨砕身(ふんこつさいしん)-“Work oneself to the bone”
- 悠々自適(ゆうゆうじてき)-“Living a life of leisure with dignity”
- 悠々(ゆうゆう)-leisurely; quiet; calm; easy
- 自適(じてき)-living free from worldly care; easy and comfortable living
- 臨機応変(りんきおうへん)-“Playing it by ear”
- 応変(おうえん)-appropriate (urgent) response; expediency
- 臨機(りんき)-expedient
- 悋気(りんき)-jealousy
- 四面楚歌(しめんそか)-(n, adj) being surrounded by enemies on all sides; being forsaken by everybody
- 四面(しめん)-four sides; all sides
- 楚歌(しもと)-switch; flogging implement made from a branch
- 被り物(かぶりもの)-headgear
- 読み仮名(よみがな)-pronunciation guide for kanji; furigana
- 危なっかしい(あぶなっかしい)-dangerous; grave; uncertain; unreliable; watch out
- 指定席(していせき)-reserved seat
- 指定(してい)-designation; specification; assignment
- いけいけ-bitch
- たまらない-intolerable; unbearable
- いつまでたっても-no matter how much time passes
- どういう-how; in what; what kind of
- 個性(こせい)-individuality; personality; idiosyncrasy
- どちらかというと-if i was pushed to say, then
- 和む(なごむ)-to be softened; to calm down
- 薄茶(うすちゃ)-weak matcha; light brown
- 薄い(うすい)-thin; pale; light; watery
- 雨水(うすい/あまみず)-rain water
- 我が家(わがいえ)-our house; our home
- 予期せぬ(よきせぬ)-unexpected; unforeseen
- あびる-to shower; to bask in the sun
- フローリング-flooring
- カワイコちゃん-popsy; sweetie
- うそう-self deprecating first person pronoun used by the elderly
- 晩酌(ばんしゃく)-evening drink
- 鰥寡孤独(かんかこどく)-with no one upon whom to depend; utter loneliness; the lonely and the helpless; people who have no kith or kin
- 踏む(ふむ)-to step on
- 八方美人 (はっぽうびじん)- one who is affable to everybody; a flunky; person beautiful from all angles; everybody's friend; person who shows people what they want to see
- 他人行儀(たにんぎょうぎ)- standing on formality; in a reserved manner; treating a friend as a stranger; unduly distant; formal
- ごっつん盗(ごっつんとう)- stealing a car by rear-ending it lightly and having a friend jump in and drive off after the driver gets out
- 巡り会う(めぐりあう)-to meet by chance
- 語らうに友なく(かたらうにともなく)-without even a friend to talk to
- 獅子身中の虫(しししんちゅうのむし)-treacherous friend
- 一袋(ひとふくろ)-a bag; one bag
- ピン逃げ(ぴんにげ)-ding dong dash
- ピンポンダッシュ(する)-ding dong dash
- ピンポン -ping-pong; table tennis; exactly!; sure!; that's it!
- えらい-sugoi
- ぼちぼち-little by little
- ぱっちり-(of eyes) big and beautiful/open wide
- ばっちり-perfectly; proper; on the mark; sure thing
- お目目-(baby talk) eyes
- 投稿(とうこう)-submission; posting
- しばしば-often; again and again; frequently
- かか- sound of laughter; mom (baby-talk); wife
- 金玉(きんぎょく)-gold and jewels; precious object
- 金玉(ぎんたま)-testicles
- 家内(かない/やうち)-my wife; inside the home; family
- 渋い(しぶい)-tasteful (clothing); cool; an aura of refined masculinity; astringent; bitter (taste); grim; quiet; sober; stingy
- 労務者(ろうむしゃ)-laborer; workman
- 本人(ほんにん)-the person himself
- 〜ってばよ- y'know? childish
- 姑(しいとめ/しうとめ/しゅとめ/しゅうと)mother-in-law
- 精飲(せいいん)-semen-drinking
- 女子飲み(じょしのみ)-woman's-only drinking party
- ドクターストップ 1: stopping a sport, such as boxing, on doctor's orders (wasei: doctor stop); referee's stop; 2: being ordered by one's doctor to give up such habits as drinking, smoking, overeating, etc
- ノミュニケーション -communicating while drinking
- 酔眼朦朧(すいがんもうろう)-(with) one's eyes drunken by wine; with drunken eyes; in a drunken haze
- しゅしゅ-lack of innovation; stupidity
- あちゃー stone the crows; blow me down; oops; uh oh; expression of annoyed surprise or shock
- あっちゃ-stone the crows; blow me down; oops; uh oh; expression of annoyed surprise or shock
- ハマる-to suit; to fit; to fall victim into; to fall for a trap; to get into; to be addicted to
- しゅしゅつ-export; efferent (medical)
- エビス- Ebisu (god of fishing and commerce); (derogatory) formerly people of northern Japan with a distinct language and culture (the Ainu); provincial (ie a person that lives far from the city); unsophisticated warrior (used by Kyoto samurai to refer to the samurai of eastern Japan)
- 趣旨(しゅし)-object; intent; meaning; aim; point (e.g. of a statement)
- 個人(こじん)-individual
- 輸入(ゆにゅう/しゅにゅう)-important; import; introduction
- 三国同盟(さんこくどうめい)-triple alliance
- 和む(なごむ)-to be softened; to calm down
- と言うか-or perhaps i should say; how should i put it
- 変態(へんたい)-transformation
- 主旨(しゅし)-opinion; gist; idea; motive
- 日産(にっさん)-daily output
- 東証(とうしょう)-tokyo stock exchange
- 当初(とうしょう)-at first
- 企業(きぎょう)-enterprise;undertaking;business
- 供給(きょうきゅう)-supply;provision
- 出力(しゅつりょく)-output (e.g. of a dynamo)
- 製作所(せいさくしょ/せいさくじょ)-factory; plant
- 社製(しゃせい)-company manufactured
- 全自動(ぜんじどう)-totally automatic
- 立場(たちば)-standpoint
- 借金(しゃっきん)-debt; liabilities
- 宣戦布告(せんせんふこく)-proclamation of war
- 戦勝国(せんしょうこく)-victorious nation
- 財産(ざいさん)-property;fortune;assets
- 気づく(きづく)-to notice; to recognize
- どうやら-it appears that; it seems that; somehow or another
- 迷い(まよい)-hesitation; bewilderment; doubt
- 続(しょく/ぞく)-continuation; sequel
- 妄想(ぼうそう/もうそう)-wild idea; delusion
- 日常(にちじょう)-everyday; regular
- 本場(ほんば)-home; habitat
- 分捕る(ぶんどる)-capture; seize; plunder
- 国際(こくさい)-international
- 常識(じょうしき)-common wisdom; common knowledge
- 現在(げんざい)-now; current
- そうした-such
- 大前提(だいぜんてい)-major premise; principle
- 漸く-finally; narrowly; hardly; just little by little; by degrees
- 要約-summary; digest
- ようやく-leaping with joy; jumping about
- 要(かなめ)-vital point
- 最早(もはや)-already; now
- 見苦しい(みぐるしい)-ugly; unsightly
- 割愛(かつあい)-giving up something reluctantly; omitting; sparing
- すべき- ought to do; should do
- 猫の手も借りたい(ねこのてにもかりたい)-so busy one would welcome even the help of a cat
- 毛深い(けぶかい)-thickly-haired
- 積極的(せっきょくてき)-assertive
- 箱詰め(はこづめ)-packed in a box
- わざわざ -expressly;specially;doing something specially rather than incidently
- 待機(たいき)-alert; standby; wait for orders
- 心得ろ(こころえろ)-having thorough knowledge
- シャカシャカ- tracksuit
- 釈迦(しゃか)-buddha
- 社歌(しゃか)-company song
- 未来(みらい)-future
- 下僕(げぼく)-manservant
- 往年(おうねん)-some times ago; one-time
- 留め(とどめ)-finishing blow
- 折角(せっかく)-at great pains;long awaited
- 夫妻(ふさい)-married couple
- 根負け(こんまけ)-being defeated; being outlasted; being outlasted by opponent's perseverance and patience
- 果たして(はたして)-as expected
- 日向ぼっこ(ひなたばっこ)-basking in the sun
- ぽかぽか-warmth throughout your body; sound of beating someone
- 日向(ひなた)-sunny place
- 片足(かたあし)-one-legged
- ひきずる- to drag along; to influence strongly; to seduce
- ひきずり- the train of a dress; low woman
- ひょこひょこ- unsteady steps
- ちょうどいい- just right
- 虐待(ぎゃくたい)-oppression
may 24 2012 ∞
jun 20 2012 +