若返る(わかがえる)-to feel rejuvenated; to feel young again
笑顔(えがお)-smiling face
相性(あいしょう)-compatibility; affinity
相変わらず(あいかわらず)-as usual; as ever the same
従順(じゅうじゅん)-obedient; docile
オシャレ-smartly dressed
悪念(あくねん)-evil thought
運動不足(うんどうぶそく)-insufficient exercise
どちらかというと-if i was pushed to say; if i had to say
かも-brown duck
ストライク-strike (baseball)
ストライキ-strike (labor shortage)
グラス-glass (for drinking)
ガラス-glass (in a window)
ブレイク-taking a break because you are tired
ブレイキ-brake (in a car)
アイロン-golf clubs/iron man iron
価値観(かちかん)-set of values
すっぽり-entirely; completely; snugly
うる-non-glutnious grain
しばしば-once; often; again and again; blinking repeatedly
はめる-to have sex with; to pigeonhole; to insert (so that it is a snug fit) to put a ring-shaped object around one - especially one that inhibits freedom (especially handcuffs)
工夫(くふう)-scheme; deception
やっと-at last; at length
目線(めせん)-from the point of view of; one's gaze
やりがい-to be worth doing
遠地(えんち)-remote place; distant place
大人しい(おとなしい)-obedient; docile; quiet
違和感(いわかん)-uncomfortable feeling
吠え(ほえる)-to bark
待ちくたびれる(まちくたびれる)-to get tired of waiting
飛び入り(とびいり)-open to all; taking part on spur of the moment
大歓迎(だいかんげい)-warm welcome
愛犬(あいけん)-pet dog
なんだか-somehow; a little; somewhat
絶好(ぜっこう)-best; ideal; perfect
降りて(おりる)-to descend; to come down
ムック-mook (thick illustrated book on a single topic printed to look like a magazine) (from magazine and book)
洗車(せんしゃ)-car wash
総括(そうかつ)-recap; synthesis; generalize
月光(げっこう)-moon light; moon beam
重要(じゅうよう)-important; major
公演(こうえん)-public performance; sumo exhibition in a foreign country