- 直感(ちょっかん)- intuition; hunch
- 一目(いちもく)- a glance; a look
- 常々(つねづね)- always; usually
- 五十音(ごじゅうおん: japanese syllabary
- 四捨五入: rounding up
- ハンデ - handicap
- あなたはまだ小さいからハンデをあげるね。 We’ll give you a handicap since you’re small.
- 無名戦士(むめいせんし)-unknown soldier
- 記念碑(きねんひ)- monument
- 献花(けんか)- flower offering
- びしょ濡れ(びしょぬれ)- sopping wet; wet to the skin; sodden
- 墓所(ぼしょ、はかしょ、はかどころ)- graveyard
- 素直(すなお)- obedient; meek; docile; unaffected; honest; frank; upfront (about one's feelings)
- 発言(はつげん)- utterance; speech; proposal
- 角に切る(かくにきる)- cut into squares
- なずく - to become emotionally attached
- おっちょこちょい - careless person; scatterbrain; birdbrain
- 面と向かう(めんとむかう)- to meet face-to-face
- 気障(きざ)- affected; smug; pompous; conceited; snobby; pretentious
- 偽り(いつわり)- lie; falsehood; fiction; fabrication
- 悪巧み(わるだくみ)- wiles; sinister design; trick; conspiracy; intrigue
- 斜め(ななめ)- slanting; tilted; sloping; diagonal; oblique / distorted (feeling); slanted (e.g. view of the world); bad (mood); amiss; awry
- 道しるべ(みちしるべ)- guidepost; signpost / guide; manual; handbook / tiger beetle (esp. the Japanese tiger beetle, Cicindela japonica)
- 逆立ち(さかだち)- headstand
- 酒断ち(さかだち) - swearing off liquor
- 石畳(いしだたみ)- stone paving; cobble paving; sett; flagstone / pavé; rectangular dessert (usu. made from chocolate or several layers of sponge cake
- 披露(ひろう)- announcement; presentation; demonstration; displaying; showing; introducing; exhibiting; unveiling; revealing; showcasing; performing; giving a rendition
- 疲労(ひろう)- fatigue; weariness
- 寄贈(きぞう)- donation; presentation; gift
- 寄贈者(きぞうしゃ)- donor; contributor; donator
feb 26 2015 ∞
apr 3 2021 +