- さらけ出せる / sarakedaseru = to lay bare/to expose
- *EX sentence: 自分をさらけ出せる場所 = a place where I can lay myself bare/be my authentic self. (Source: ANN News)
- 唐辛子(とうがらし)/ tougarashi = chili pepper
- *Source: Stardew Valley
- かけがえ / kakegae = replacement
- 掛け替えのない / kakegae no nai = irreplaceable
- * 子供にとって、かけがえのない場所だ。/ According to the children, this place is irreplaceable.
- * Source: ANN News
- ふらふら / furafura = unsteadily
- * その子は広場でも電車の中でも薬を飲んで常にふらふら = That kid would drink medicine on the bus and in the public square and would usually be unsteady.
- ろくに / roku ni = (not) well; (not) properly; (not) sufficiently; (not) satisfactorily
- * 言葉もろくにしゃべれない = (She) couldn’t properly speak.
- 呂律(ろれつ)/ roretsu = articulation
- * 呂律もあまり回ってないのが多かった = (She) could not properly articulate herself a lot of times.
- 幻覚(げんかく)/ genkaku = hallucinations
- * 風邪薬を80錠飲んで飲むと色々見えます、幻覚とか = When you have 80 capsules you start seeing things like hallucinations.
- 錠(じょう) / jou = lozenge, pill, tablet, padlock
- パキる / pakiru = get high
- * 現実逃避したいからパキッちゃう = I want to escape reality so I get high
- 現実逃避(げんじつとうひ)/ genjitsu touhi = escape from reality
- 負担(ふたん)/ futan = burden; load; responsibility
- * やっぱり体にも負担がかかってしまうので気を付けている = As expected, it’s a burden on my body so I have to be careful.
- 依存性(いぞんせい) / izonsei = dependence
- * 依存性あります、薬に依存するというよりかは逃げ道 = more than independence, it’s relying on the medicine is a way to escape.
- 情状酌量(じょうじょうしゃくりょう)/ joujoushakuryou = taking the extenuating circumstances into consideration
- スルースキル = ability to ignore bad things happening to one; power to not get worked up or upset (by ignoring something)
- お節介(おせっかい) / osekkai = meddling; nosiness; interference
- 霜焼けい(しもやけい)/ shimoyakei = frostbite
- * 手も足もパンパンと腫れてホンマ霜焼けいの状態 = my hands and legs were bulging from inflammation and my condition was frost bite.
- 腫れる(はれる)/ hareru = to swell from inflammation
- 軍手(ぐんて)= cotton gloves/working gloves
- 侵犯(しんぱん)/ shinpan = judgment; decision; verdict; sentence
- 審判(しんぱん)/ shinpan = violation (of foreign territory, rights, etc); infringement
- がっつり / gattsuri = a lot; a great deal; plentifully
- カオス = chaos
- 揉める(もめる)= to disagree; to dispute; to fight over
- * その元彼と違う元彼が揉めたのよ = that ex-boyfriend and a different ex-boyfriend fought (over me)
- 慰謝料(いしゃりょう)/ isharyou = consolation money (paid to divorcee; one-time fee); reparation; damages
- * 慰謝料として 100 万円払った.例文帳に追加 - I paid one million yen in compensation
- 慰める(なぐさめる)/ nagusameru = to comfort; to console; to amuse
- * 両親を突然亡くした友人にかける言葉がなく、慰めることもできなかった。 - I had no words to say to my friend who had unexpectedly lost her parents, and I could not comfort her.
- 慰霊(いれい)/ irei - consoling the spirits of the dead
- * 「祭り」の本来の漢字の意味は慰霊である。- The original definition of kanji representing 'festival' is a memorial service.
sep 28 2023 ∞
sep 28 2023 +