- こっちの台詞(こっちのせりふ)- those are my words
- 制度(せいど)-precision; accuracy
- 改良型(かいりょうがた)-improvement; variant (of a pathogen)
- パネェ - a lot; to a great extent
- ほっつき歩く(ほっつきあるく)- to loiter around; to wander about
- 暇をつぶす - kill time/waste time
- ひたすら - nothing but; earnest; determined; the only thing needed
- おつまみ - snacks to go with alcohol
- 納得(なっとく)- understanding
- メじゃない- it doesn't matter
- 賛否両論(さんぴりょうろん)- pros and cons
- 叱咤激励(しったげきれい) - giving a loud pep talk; encouraging somebody in a loud voice
- 音漏れ(おともれ)- sound leaking out of headphones; sound leakage
- 洋楽(ようがく)- western music
- 潔い(いさぎよい)- manly, sportsmanlike, gracious, gallant, resolute, brave, pure, upright, blameless, unsullied
- アンニュイ - boredom, listlessness, languor
- 庶民的(しょみんてき)- popular, folk, plebeian, working class
- セン - stopper, bottle cap, ending (of a comic)
- 追求(ついきゅう)- pursuing a goal, pursuit, search, to seek
- 表情(ひょうじょう)- facial expression
- 弄る(いじる)- to tamper with
- 求人広告(きゅうじんこうこく)- help wanted advertisements
- 立体感(りったいかん)- feeling of solidity, three dimensionality, drawing highlights
- 仕種(しぐさ)- action; gesture
- 圧勝(あっしょう)- overall victory
- 蛇足(だそく)-redundancy
- ぎゃふんと言う(ぎゃふんという)-argued into silence
- 由来(ゆらい)- origin; source; reason; destiny
- 単一民族(たんいつみんぞく)- racially homogenous; monoracial
- 抜け出す(ぬけだす)- to slip out; to sneak away; to break out (of a loop)
- 金銭(きんせん)- heartstrings
- 金銭に触れる(きんせんにさわれる)- to pull at heartstrings
- 耳にする/耳にされる - to hear by chance
- 眼中にない(がんちゅうにない)- take no notice of; disregarding; thinking nothing of; completely ignoring; being out of consideration; effectively not existing as an option
- 解釈(かいしゃく)- explanation; interpretation
- 深々(ふかぶか)- very deeply
- むしろ - rather
- 乏しい(とぼしい)- meager; poor; destitute
- 偏見(へんけん)- narrow view
- 手っ取り早い(てっとりばやい)- quick and easy; finishing up in a hurry
- 落ちこぼれ(おちこぼれ)- leftovers; odds and ends; dunce who can't keep up in school; pickings
- 白豚(しろぶた)- white pig
- 言葉を交わす(ことばをかわす)- to exchange words
- ごちゃごちゃ - to get jumbled up; mix up; complaining about various things
- 掘り返す(ほりかえす)-to dig up
- 醜い(みにくい)- unattractive
- 的外れ(まとはずれ)- out of focus; off the mark
- 戯言(たわごと)- nonsense; bullshit; silly joke
mar 8 2013 ∞
aug 7 2015 +