- 罵声(ばせい)-boos; jeers
- 掛け替えのない - money can't buy
- ず isn't like ~ない, it's like ~ないで. It means "without doing x".
- 食べずに学校へ行く/食べないで学校へ行く = I go to school without eating.
- されど~ is like "Even so..."Very similar to しかし
- 励まし(はげまし)-encouragement
- 励ます(はげます)-to cheer someone on
- 一挙手一投足(いっきょしゅいっとうそく)-with the slightest amount of effort; small amount of work
- 企画(きかく)-planning; design
- 取りも直さず(とりもなおさず)-namely; which is to say
- 精神(せいしん)-mind; soul; intention
- 調子(ちょうし)-tone; pitch
- 主張(しゅちょう)-claim; request; insistence
- 中韓(ちゅうかん)-Chinese and Korean matters
- 改変(かいへん)-change; innovation; transformation
- 針小棒大(しんしょうぼうだい)-exaggeration; making a mountain out of a molehill
- 我が国(わがくに)-our country; our home
- 公共放送(こうきょうほうそう)-public broadcasting
- 利敵行為(りてきこうい)-act which serves to benefit the enemy
- 領土(りょうど)-possession; dominion; territory
- おいて-except; no other
- 利益(りえき)-profits; gains
- 自国(じこく)-one's own country
- 追求(ついきゅう)-pursuing a goal
- 紛争(ふんそう)-dispute; trouble; strike
- 結局のところ(けっきょくのところ)-in the end; at the end of the day
- 毛唐(けとう)-"hairy foreigner" (especially Europeans) [this is kinda oldish word now but still used to discriminate Westerners.]
- 三国人(さんごくじん)-national of a third world country; (esp. Chinese and Korean) resident in Japan
- 特ア(とくあ)-referring Chinese and Korean. tokua is more political.
- 中華chuuka(ちゅうか)-when it doesn't refer to ramen shops but Chinese people.
- 厨国人-commonly used by redneck otaku guys to refer Chinese people
- チョン-classic one. Referring Korean people.
- 半島人(はんとうじん)-peninsula person (particularly used to refer to Koreans)
- 手段(しゅうだん)-way; means; pressure
- 解決方法(かいけつほうほう)-way of solving a problem
- 解決(かいけつ)-settlement; resolution
- 法律(ほうりつ)-law
- 家族法(かぞくほう)-governing rights within families
- 民法(みんぽう)-civil code
- 婚姻届(こんいんとどけ)-marriage registration
- 届出(とどけで)-notice; notification
- 戸籍(こせき)-census; family register
- 制度(せいど)-system
- 夫婦(ふうふ)-married couple
- 夫婦同氏(ふうふどうし)-married couple=same person
- 重婚(じゅうこん)-bigamy
- 成立(せいりつ)-coming into existence
- 成人(せいじん)-adult; to come of age
- 承認(しょうにん)-recognition; acknowledgement
- 証人(しょうにん)-witness
- 法令(ほうれい)-laws and ordinances (of parliament; etc)
- 違反(いはん)-violation of a law
- 受理(じゅり)-acceptance
- 未成年者(みせいねんしゃ)-minor person; person not grown up
- 見なす(みなす)-to equate; to consider
- 生じる(しょうじる)-to produce
- 費用(ひよう)-cost; expense
- 分担(ぶんたん)-allotment; share
- 再婚(さいこん)-second marriage
- 同居(どうきょ)-living together; coexisting
- 互いに(たがいに)-mutually; with one another
- 協力(きょうりょく)-cooperation
- 称する(しょうする)-to take the name of; to call oneself; to feign; to pretend
- 氏(うじ)-family name; lineage; birth
- 取り消し(とりけし)-to cancel
- 詐欺(さぎ)-fraud; cheat
- 脅迫(きょうはく)-threat; menace; terrorism
- 消滅(しょうめつ)-lapse; annihilation; termination
- 名義(めいぎ)-in the name of; name
- 財産(ざいさん)-property; assets
- 各自(かくじ)-individual; each
- 所有(しょゆう)-one's possessions; ownership
- 不明(ふめい)-unknown
- 共有財産(きょうゆうざいさん)-community property
- 日常生活(にちじょうせいかつ)-everyday life
- 昔年(せきねん)-responsibility
- 協議(きょうぎ)-conference; discussion
- 親権者(しんけいしゃ)-person exercising parental authority
- 養育費(よういくひ)-child-rearing expenses
- 解体(かいたい)-disassembly; dissection of the corpse post-mortem
- 懐胎(かいたい)-conception; becoming pregnant
- 嫡出(ちゃくしゅつ)-legitimate birth
- 着手(ちゃくしゅ)-to start work on; embarkment; launch
- 推定(すいてい)-presumption; estimate
- 嫡出子(ちゃくしゅつし)-legitimate child
- 摘出(てきしゅつ)-exposing; picking out; taking out (surgery)
- 法定(ほうてい)-legal; designed by law
- 相続(そうぞく)-succession; inheritance
- 配偶者(はいぐうしゃ)-wife; spouse; partner
- 各(おのおの)-each; respectively
- 直系尊属(ちょっけいそんぞく)-legal ascendent
- にまつわる-related to
- さだめる-to decide; to determine
- 確認(かくにん)-to confirm
- 事実婚(じじつこん)-de facto marriage; common law marriage
- 内縁(ないえん)-common law marriage
aug 27 2012 ∞
aug 23 2013 +