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it's okay la.
We can fail hundreds and millions of times... we only have to succeed once.
Be happy; genuinely, intensely and consistently happy.
Tea happens

listography NEW NEWS
  • I am really hungry. Want a nice big steak, which I can't afford... lol
  • What to eat for dinner... maybe that $50 NT (1.5 USD) place; cuz 3 choice of vege + meat + rice; goal is to spend less than 4,000 NT (130 USD) per month on eating and stuff
  • so after all the cost; should be able to have about 10,000 NT (333 USD) of pure savings per month.
  • Really!? Food is all you can think about!?
  • That big time editor/publisher is really skinny and drinks a lot of coffee!
  • Wonder what Kenzie is doing right now.
  • Wonder what Celicia is doing right now... probably sleeping
  • Wonder what Daniel is doing right now... probably just getting up.
  • LOL
  • Young people these days come up with so many weird abbreviations. YOLO I guess... (actually had to look that up). I feel very old.
  • I am seriously hungry. Only eating one meal per day to save money might not be a great idea, but I really want to travel with Kenzie... grrrr.
  • There's a beat in my head. I don't hear any music but my head is bobbling like crazy.
  • I feel kinda bad that I don't have anything to do at work... everyone is staring at something. My boss is staring at the wall. My coworker is staring at her phone. This job is a bit too easy.
  • I wonder how I should design the logo
  • let's look it up!
mar 20 2013 ∞
mar 23 2013 +