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it's okay la.
We can fail hundreds and millions of times... we only have to succeed once.
Be happy; genuinely, intensely and consistently happy.
Tea happens


Family: (They may not know you well, but they will do anything for you)

  • Mom - Stubborn and not very open minded, but she means well and alway does for her family.
  • Dad - Always working hard; he wishes his kids to do what he couldn't. Starting in his mid 40s, he started having epiphanies... a lot of them. And he wishes to share his experience and these mistakes he realized he made. What he doesn't know is, some damages he has done to his kids when he was young are quite difficult to fix. It is always the little things.
  • Peter - Smart, hardworking most of the time. You often feel sad that you can't connect with him. You don't know him like parents don't know their kids, but you are so very proud of him and believe he will do so much better than you. When you were suicidal, you felt like your death could motivate him better, and the family resources could focus more on him instead of you - the lost cause. Now you are simply proud of him.
  • Aunt 2 - Always care for you and Peter. Just a little annoying on the lecturing part. She is the only one in the family who has a PHD. You sometimes feel bad for her not being able to be as successful in emotional life as she is in her career.
  • Aunt 3 - Always care for you and Peter. But has a lot of problems in life. You know why she became religious. You know there needs to be an intervention. You are often angry at the Chinese tradition and culture and how no one in the entire family, including yourself, has the guts to intervene her way back into troubles with her husband.
  • The Coolest Grandma ever! She is old and hard to communicate with but she is the awesome cool grandma that you always brag about. Just the fact that she rides scooter everywhere and speeding is awesome (though a bit dangerous).
  • Cousin Steve - You two used to be close until you moved out of Taiwan.


  • Jesse F. Tsu - Nerdy but sporty Asian just like you. Best friend since 8th grade. You know him and he knows you for the most part.
  • Chang Larry Wang - You know him since 10th grade. He is intelligent, always has some kind of super project working on the side. Super cool guy. He always has an answer to everything, like a wiki... And he always help you when you are in need. That is a great friend!
  • McKenzie J. Hyde - The only person you ever share certain emotional crisis with. Sometimes seems naive, but she has a big heart and a strong, beautiful curing soul. She is also incredibly smart and hardworking. You sometimes wish you are a bit more important to her, or you can have some more of her attention.
  • Celicia J. L. Boyden - Had a crush on when first encountered... she is the brightest, most positive, innocent and beautiful soul you will ever meet. She has the cutest sense of humor. You wish her never lose her sunshine.
  • Nana Ama OwusuAgeyman - She has the most inspiring and poetic, yet logical brain! She is often your inspiration. She understands your pain because she shares it. Sometimes, you feel like she is you. You are glad she found love and happiness before she turns into you.
  • Daniel Gunnarsen - He has an interesting point of view on everything. He is incredibly smart and determined. Sometimes just missing the good temper and a little cool. You believe he is meant to do great thing.
  • Kaitlin Smith - The toughest and coolest nerdy girl you have ever known. Great artist (so much better than that Kevin who went to art school!) She seems to struggle in life a little but always has the best attitude and spirit. You admire her strength and her courage... You can never quite figure her out.
  • Sally G. Kao - You never fully understand her. She is quietly cool and fun. She enjoys food and art as much as you do! Food buddies!
  • Rin YiLin Cheong - She is the only person in the world, who would come up to you and tell you you are wrong when you are so banana potato wrong but still being stubborn or ignorant about it. She is always true. At times annoying and odd, but she's admirably the best kind of annoying. You need a friend like her.
  • Veronica A. Hyde - The girl you have been so deeply and desperately in love with for the longest time. She is beautiful, cool and understanding, but she takes all the pain and pressure in, and push them down. And you managed to make her explode. In the end, you realized you two are just strangers because only strangers are that nice and polite to each other. You still love her so much but you gave up on her love and love all together. You wish to make up to her somehow. You have been searching for a closure.
mar 20 2013 ∞
jun 24 2013 +