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it's okay la.
We can fail hundreds and millions of times... we only have to succeed once.
Be happy; genuinely, intensely and consistently happy.
Tea happens

listography NEW NEWS
  • Design Home for including artwork and basic functions
    • Logos
    • Layout
    • Site map
  • Information mapping and interactive map on homepage established (Currently runs on 2-layer news: 1. Title&summary&Pic 2. (link to) Original source)
  • Publish Home and advertise
  • New page: top news list
  • New page: Earth's latest news; featuring latest environmental news and facts
  • New page: Culture; featuring the latest holiday news and cultural facts from around the world, present and past(including the lost cultures as special)
  • New function: client/user interface/system
  • New function: Comment/Discussion board
  • New page: Rumors submission
  • Look for Sponsors, Coop & Income methods (probably commercial)
  • Established as a Media company to set up office in all major cities.
  • Start rumor verification processing and rating systems on rumors (1. readers' rating. 2. editor's rating. 3. popularity)
  • New page: verified rumors = everyday facts and small stories (which can add an reward system for top ten verified rumors of each category)
  • New function: Language Options (in order): Chinese, Spanish, Hindi, Arabic, Russian, Japanese, German, Korean, French.
  • Own news coverage (with translation into English, Chinese, Spanish and Hindi, or depends on the regions of popularity at the time)
  • New function: 3-layered news (1. title&summary 2. past&history 3. future&analysis)

- Promotional Coverage: Clear facts and comparison on presidential election in 3-layered mode (of any country; the US would obviously have the best impact)

- Try not to but possibly need to include entertainment section; Promotional Coverage: Facts, History of teams (RPG style) in World Sports series/leagues.

= Cause: Project information - provide public access of computers, internet and lessons for regions that can not afford them.

= Cause: Project opportunities - provide funds and opportunities of all kinds for those who don't have them.

mar 24 2013 ∞
apr 11 2013 +