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it's okay la.
We can fail hundreds and millions of times... we only have to succeed once.
Be happy; genuinely, intensely and consistently happy.
Tea happens

listography NEW NEWS
  • 9/1: I think I need to focus on school or have a distraction. this loneliness...
  • 9/2: the classes are easier than I expected, but still needs a lot of work!

"expect less. live simple."

  • 9/3: computer architecture has so many parts I need to catch up on. ; for a 7-9:45pm class, went completely off course after "companion robot".
  • 9/4: sometimes, I wonder if I value some people too much and some not enough. oh well... ; I am annoyed that my friends keep telling me to find a girlfriend. There's something they don't understand.
  • 9/5: kinda frustrated that my roommate created the messiest kitchen I have ever seen in my life! ...So I cleaned the shit out of it! Literally! I am awesome with house chores!
  • 9/6: wake up feeling so sad and lonely... means time to focus on work. I hate my mood swings and depressions.
  • 9/7: I don't know why I have crave for sweets lately.
  • 9/10: So busy. but when I stop, sad, lonely feelings come along. I hate it... like I don't belong to this world.
  • 9/11: Feels so damn good to finish most of the work... For today.
  • 9/15: suddenly feel like I may be too easy on myself.
  • 9/16: I can do it, with a plan!

The thing about computer science that kinda bugs me sometimes is that unlike most other sciences, it is created by man.

  • 9/18: I think I can say things are going well except the injury. So tired though. Just so tired.
  • 9/19: on track now... good!
  • 9/20: don't feel like cleaning the kitchen any more. Just frustrating that I have to clean everything every time I want to use it. so just ordered food all week. soo... gonna starve next week.
  • 9/22: the sun is deceiving. It's actually cold.

Everybody in this house is inside.

  • 9/22: I miss C. I don't think she has time for me though. I don't want to make her uncomfortable or bother her either... M's words still torment me in my head. I hate it. I actually don't remember exactly what she said, but how she made me feel was overwhelming.

I care so I want to say goodbye. But I wonder if that is selfish of me. Silently part, linger only in heart and move on. How do people do it!? Is that what I should do if I truly care?

  • 9/24: it has been extremely frustrating living with a messy kitchen. I can tolerate other area but kitchen... I have been avoiding it for weeks and it is only building up the frustration and stress. My life is a frozen banana.
  • 9/25: These suite mates... now the kitchen smells like something died there. Fuck! ; communication is key! glad it didn't turn out brutal.
  • 9/26: I trust people too fast, too stupid.
  • 9/29: it's never too late to live.
sep 1 2014 ∞
oct 3 2014 +