• 好きな era - pictures, movies, lyrics, songs, poems, quotes, connections with now!

jibun no kosei !

  • あんまり考えすぎず、感じたままに、正直に話す。
  • あいてが全て、聴いて、try to catch what they want to say
  • 色んな勉強や色んな事体験してincrease what YOU have felt personally and your vocab and just be honest, don't pretend you know it all.


Negative thoughts are killing us!

Try to redirect your mind when you start having negative and pessimistic thoughts. Think of something that makes you happy. If you do that for about 2 weeks you will see some dramatic changes. Being negative reflects in your face, your aura and people will stay away from you. Also negative attracts negative and you will never be happy. Smile always in and out. You will look 10 years younger.

feb 7 2014 ∞
feb 7 2014 +