- 1.僕らは世界を変えることができない。But we want to build a school in Cambodia (1/1)
- 2. 1/2 of Blue Valentine 1/2
- 3. The 有頂天ホテル (1/2)
- 4. 地下鉄に乗って
- 5. 夕凪の街 桜の国
- 6. how to steal a million (1/7)
- 7. 嫌われ松子の一生 (1/8)
- 8. ラヂオの時間
- 9. The Unforgiven
- 10. Nodame Cantabile (1st movie)
- 11. みんなのいえ
- 12. 阿弥陀堂だより
- 13. skyfall (the opening intro was iconic and artistically beautiful in the representation and overview of the film! Too much random sudden sex but other than that, Bond was great - loved the incorporation of Chinese なところ. One of the best action movies I've seen. The villain was perfection, crazy and doesn't seem as bad as he is なところ、sympathizeしたくなった。それとどうかれが動くけきになるし、the twists were unexpected and great. Loved the build up to the end! あーゆーCrazy Psychotic acting/ reasoning 好きなぜか! bonds chill yet convincing performance was iconic, 昔の映画を思い出させるようなようそをもってた!the mirrors in the first attack scene was mysterious and mind blowing too. Overall a very enthralling, unforseeable and beautiful movie. Scenery was iconically beautiful, artistically a+ 以上。昔の映画思い出すよ! loved the thematic colors of gold and blue.
- 14. 永遠の0
- 15. The Phantom of the Opera
- 16. Gravity (2/1)
- 17. 鍵泥棒のメソッド
- 18. Enemy of the State (2/5)
- 19. Dream Girls (2/6)
- 20.Three Days of the Condor
- 21.Agent Ryan
- 22.Mission Impossible 2
- 23.アフタースクール!
- 24.るろうに剣心
- 25.Rush
- 26.Hobbit 2
- 27.Hobbit 1
- TV series: Sherlock Holmes season 1
- 28. Frozen
- 29. The Book Thief
- 30. 12 years a slave
- 31. The Hunger Games 2
- 32. The Manchurian Candidate (ah!!!>< kowai. war yadashi, sinful world saite.)
- 33. ザ マジック アワー
- 34.Cambodian Returnee Documentary (Straight Cambodian)
- 35.The Bling Ring
- 36.The book thief
- 37.Life is Beautiful (6/8)
- 38.Noble Fir
- 39.一番美しく
- 40.war and peace
- 41.Miss Congeniality 1
- 42.Miss Congeniality 2 (7/1)
- 43.Monster's University (7/2-3)
- 44.Eat Pray Love - maybe one of my favorite films this year!
- 45.The King's Speech - a lot I could relate to as a performer, as a person. "Listen to me! ... Because I have a voice!"
- 46.Equilibrium
- 47.Charade (love this film and all its quirks. A film with such a happy ending makes me melt inside.
- 48.Paris when it sizzles
- 49.消えた画 クメールルージュ
- 50.Elysium
- 51.Pride and Prejudice - meg and i bawled (mostly meg) during the last scene of the movie. do not watch the american alternative ending though, that ruined it for us. weird watching a trailer for clueless right after, such a superficial and funny world we have come to. We both would much rather prefer the former way of life :) We cried over how it would someday be like that for us. How they were both so wrong about each other, how much they loved each other and how the father couldn't bare to part with lizzie, if it were any other man. The film itself reminded me of muji, japanese suki na simple lifestyle style, and hipsters LOL but meg was raging on and on how beautiful it was aesthetically and everything. I hope she never changes. I think this might be one of my favorite movies of the year. so much quiet and thoughtful beauty!
- 52. Maleficent - I want my kids to watch this. Cho naita! x2
- 53. るろうに剣心
- 54. genome hazard
- 55. 桐島、部活やめるってよ - 神木くん可愛すぎて全部彼が現れるシーンきゃーきゃーしてためぐと。日本の高校、仕事場ってこんなんなのかな?イマイチ映画のメッセージやストーリーのてんかいが分からず映画が終わった(涙)うん〜でも知りたいよ〜 I would have probably been the girl envy to the popular girl or the girl who lost a sister
Interesting to see all the different politics dynamics and personalities ways of thinking differences within the students Each character was so deep, needed more hours in the film!
- 56.るろうに剣心3
- 57.東京家族
- 58.smuggler (WHY DID I RENT THIS. gained nothing. except the cool acting by the girl actor. but really
gained nothing, wish I didn't)
- 59.The Queen
- 60.Mona Lisa Smile
- Ruroni kenshin 2
- 61.テルマエ ロマエ
- 62.Mamma Mia
- 63.大空港2013
- 64.ひみつのあっこちゃん
- 65.Begin Again
- 66.Her
- 67.Blue Jasmine
- 68.God's Not Dead
- 69.Jackson's Run
- 70.My Best Friend
- 71.Children of Men - 赤ちゃんが生まれた瞬間の母と子二人とも声を大きくたてて、泣いて、うんで、生まれてくる。二人ともそう。二人は強くつながっている。
- 72.たまたま − LOVE this movie. 不思議でまっすぐな映画。号泣したよ。
- 73. Winter's Bone - reminded me of Oregon! Not really sure of the meaning of things... Interesting how people were mean and yet cared at the same time... the family gangs and strength. Jennifer Lawrence was perfect. Want to watch this again. Had my full attention, natural & gripping!
- 74. The Umbrellas of Cherbourg - modern day (60's) Romeo and Juliet.
- 75. Interstellar (theaters) - what a journey. I feel like i've seen something like this before dakedone!
- 76. Kite Runner - とても悲しい映画だった。他の国の状況が普段全然考えられてなかったけど、こういうことも起きてるんだよね。"きみのためなら1000回でも。" ハサンが友達のために何回も何回もいじめられているのにあの子はあんなひどいあずかい受け続けた。。We must stand up for what is right. We must rebel against our own indifference. 私たちはあの状況の子たちにどんなふうに手を差し出せばいいの?主よ教えてください。助けてください。送ってください。人のこころを動かしてください。
- 77. 清須会議。歴史のドラマと最後のmotherの作戦だった所が面白いぐらいでした。観てる人には最後が分かりつつ、まだツイストがある感じが上手いね!言葉は昔すぎて、着いて行けなくてちょっと暇だったけど。
- 78. Changeling - 子をなくした、母親の悲しみをしみじみと感じさせられる、アンジェリナジョリー。ショックイングな場面あって、30%観れずにいました。役者たちが昔、1920代の雰囲気をとても上手く表現してて、そこは楽しめたね。悲しいストーリー、なんか本当にあった話とは思えない。
- 79. The Intouchables
- 80. Anna Karenina
- 81. 小さなおうち
- 82. ジャッジ
- 83. Elf