name: mia ____(??) ;; pronouns: they/them ;; age: 13 ;; height: 5'2" ;; favorite food: fried eggs and noodles ;;

other: the kindness soul love to help others around them, friends or not. they believe in second chances, maybe thirds, if the person truly deserves it. they're mature and open minded, and believe that violence and FIGHTing will not solve anything. however, they're also gullible. they see the best in people, and that causes them to trust easy.

They have scraped knees covered by colorful bandaids. Their abdomen and stomach, down to their hips, is covered in scars. They tend to hide them with their sweater and apron, and more bandaids. They dont like looking at the scars, so the bandaids haven't changed in a long while. They look old.

they don't really hold a grudge against asgore, but do not like saying his name or being near him. they dont remember exactly where they died, but they do remember it was in hotland. remembering or trying to remember their death causes them to break down, and usually have a panic attack. they try not to. they still believe the monsters are good, even after dying and coming back.

dec 29 2018 ∞
dec 29 2018 +