• rook | jack
  • also cae/kae or K
  • no pronouns (use my name when speaking about me indirectly)
  • agender
  • panaro
  • otherkin / fictionkin
  • furry too
  • cottage wix (kitchen wix focus)
  • bad mouth
  • know-it-all
  • alcoholic
  • music enthusiast
feb 29 2024 ∞
mar 2 2024 +
  • illuminationkin (iridescence, chatoyance, glitterance, fulgence, fulminousness, mångata, ignescence, lambence)
  • oceankin
  • woodkin (forest, tree, leaf)
  • black cat kin
  • percussion syncope kin
mar 2 2024 ∞
mar 2 2024 +
  • layle (dupe)
  • kadaj (solo)
  • eevee (dupe)
  • shiny shinx (dupe)
  • jiji (dupe)
  • artemicion (solo)
mar 2 2024 ∞
mar 2 2024 +
  • terraria
  • sky: children of the light
  • dungeons & dragons (forever dm)
  • final fantasy crystal chronicles series
  • ivalice alliance except vagrant story
  • most final fantasy, actually
  • bastion
  • flight rising
  • animal crossing
  • pokémon
  • stardew valley
mar 2 2024 ∞
mar 2 2024 +
  • northern beach (lighthouse)
  • crystals
  • moon, star, etc. magicky
  • contrast but soft
  • ocean
  • woods, forest
  • autumn
  • clouds
  • stars, galaxy
  • lights / sparkles / glow / aurora / bokeh / shinethrough / fire / candles
  • deer / antler
  • mermaid-like / selkie
  • dragon
  • plants / mushroom
  • half-melted snow
  • space / nebulae
mar 2 2024 ∞
mar 2 2024 +
  • ' if life is hard, you should not be hard to it ' - spiritfarer
  • give love while there is still time
  • your days are numbered only by how far you can count
  • there is no greater treasure than the truth
  • where there is rain, there is growth
  • most prisons are the ones that you put yourself in
  • be only yourself
  • snow is just cold water
  • may the sun shine always in your face, the wind at your back
  • we repeat what we don't repair - anon
  • 'cultivate your online friendships. they matter in your world (sic)' - sky
mar 2 2024 ∞
mar 4 2024 +
  • anat cohen
  • chevelle
  • glass animals (zaba era)
  • nct 127
  • curtis schweitzer
  • kumi tanioka
  • yasunori mitsuda
  • hitoshi sakimoto
mar 2 2024 ∞
mar 2 2024 +
  • plays clarinet
  • can operate firearms
  • drives standard transmission (north america)
  • rides motorcycles
  • wrote two novels (didn't publish)
  • learnt to drive at the age of 36
  • has partial heterochromia
  • really likes the letter K
  • has a palatal lisp (like Matilda)
mar 2 2024 ∞
mar 30 2024 +
  • FFIII : Castle of Hein
  • FFV : Library of the Ancients
  • FFVI : The Veldt
  • FVII : Open Your Heart
  • FFVII:AC: Battle In the Forgotten City, For the Reunion
  • FFVIII : The Spy
  • FFIX : Cid's Theme, Silver Dragon
  • FFX : The Travel Agency, Assault
  • FFXI: Gustaberg
  • FFXII: Tomb of Raithwall, A Moment's Rest,
  • FFXIII: Vile Peaks, Gapra Whitewood
  • FFXIII: Lightning Returns: all of them ..
  • FFXV: Stand Your Ground
  • Dissidia: Quickening
  • Type-0: Tempus Finis
  • FFT: Apoplexy
  • FFTA: Law Card
  • FFTA2: Front and Back, Into the Fantasy
mar 2 2024 ∞
mar 2 2024 +