"since a long time ago, you've considered him a permanent part of your life." - your scandals are way cuter than you

"right now, I'm very happy. i didn't mind waiting. you're my long-term goal. i was happy to spend all those years making a plan to treat you right." - your scandals are way cuter than you

"and you were indeed an unexpected occurence in the straight line that was my life, crashing right into it, bringing with you an invigorating breath of life." - four o' clock flower

"he was worthy of being called the arsonist who set the maidens' hearts aflame." - four o' clock flower

"must movies about love contain erotic scenes? the answer was naturally 'no, not always'—a beautiful romance, even if two people didn't ever hold hands from start to finish, could still make the audience perceive a strong sense of yearning." - the star around the sun

"all artistic creations are always a processed version of reality." - the star around the sun

"you are my sole muse and my only audience." - this omega is sweet and wild

"recently, i've noticed... i might be getting addicted to being in love with you." - fake slackers

"i give you the devotion of a man who has never had faith." - seizing dreams

"i know it's impossible for you to forget about the past, but i hope that after talking to me, you're able to store these things with me, i hope that your pain ends with me." - limited possession

"you're not the end of my pain; you're the beginning of my better days" - limited possession

"do the things that you like to do but don't neglect the unlimited breadth of life due to obsession." - glory

"i give you the devotion of a man who has never had faith." - seizing dreams

"dreams are the sort of things that can't be divided into high or low, but only realized or unrealized" - fanservice paradox

"there's no single standard for good or bad. however, i have always believed that there is no absolute evil in the world." - restricted area

"at that time, why didn't you fall in love at first sight with someone as outstanding as me?" // "at that time, i thought that you were just another person out of the 29.2 million people i would meet in my entire life. its exactly because you were outstanding and dazzling that i could not easily and casually put the 0.000049 probability of us falling in love on you. you were a university teacher with a bright future, i was a deviant struggling for survival. between us, the difference is as vast as that between the sky and the earth." - four o' clock flower

"the truth is that airports have seen more sincere kisses than the wedding halls, and the walls of hospitals have heard more prayers than the walls of a church." - four o' clock flower

"dreams are the sort of things that can't be divided into high or low, but only realized or unrealized" - fanservice paradox

"don't fall too deep. ease up on the accelerator because we're merely going steady." - my boyfriend discovered my zhihu response

"there's always going to be that one person in the world who is in a hurry to find you in the vast sea of people, the same as you are looking for him." - my boyfriend discovered my zhihu response

jan 4 2024 ∞
jan 16 2024 +