Squip - okay with doubles

Stan - not great with doubles

Craig - will hide form doubles

Kenny - not okay with doubles

Clyde - no doubles

Tweek - freaked out by doubles

Butters - uncomfortable with doubles

Daniel - very very okay with doubles

Max - very uncomfortable with doubles

Danny - very uncomfortable with doubles

Tom - Not okay with doubles

Tord - okay with doubles

Dipper Pines - Weird about doubles

Rev Dip - Also weird about doubles

Darkiplier - Unsure

Ben - okay with doubles

    • If you think our Mems Match I’ll talk to you and see if they can make an exception
    • Some of them can live with doubles following them as long as that kin themself doesn’t try talking to them (example: Stan talking to Stan)
aug 30 2017 ∞
mar 30 2018 +