start: 01/28/09 | end: 10/26/11 education
- get an internship
- get accepted into a good college
- get at 2000+ on the SAT
- become fluent in spanish
- apply for 10 scholarships (0/10)
- 6 hours a week of extra work
- do 10 activities to improve memory (0/10)
- beat someone at chess
fine arts
- go to at least 4 concerts (1/4)
- meet 7 musicians/band members (0/7)
- write/finish one story
- finish the collage on my closet door
- discover 15 new bands (1/15)
- watch at least 30 movies i've never seen (12/30)
- fill up at least 40 gb on my ipod (2.80/40)
- go see 2 productions (2/2)
- buy 5 books I really like (0/5)
- paint a picture
- write an amazing song
- read at least 175 books (25/175) including:
- 30 classics (0/30)
- 30 non-fiction (0/30)
- buy 5 cds (0/5)
- get the latest version of photoshop
- make a scrapbook
- read a poem a month (2/33)
- photograph a sunset
- participate in NaNoWriMo '09 or '10
- write in a journal everyday for a year
- read one pulizter prize winning poetry book from every decade (0/9)
- watch all of The Office episodes
- finish 18.7% with megan
- complete keri smith's 100 ideas w/ megan (4/100)
- write 5 letters to friends (snail mail) (0/5)
- help mom cook once a month
- thank parents more often
- don't argue with parents/sister for 30 days
- make 10 new friends (0/10)
- go on a road trip with friends
- cover a song w/ megan for youtube
- have a "girl's night" in/out with friends
- pull an all-nighter with friends w/o caffeine
- spend one whole day with mom once a month
- spend one whole day with dad once a month
- spend one whole day with natasha once a month
- do 30 hours of volunteer work (0/30)
- donate old clothes i don't wear anymore
- compliment 1 person everyday
- donate 500,000 grains on freerice (3,100/500,000)
- buy 5 people a gift for no reason (0/5)
- pay $2 for every goal i don't finish to a charity
- recycle as much as possible
- say something nice to 20 strangers (0/20)
- donate all old books
- help mom donate old, unused toys
- unplug any unused electronic devices every day
- get a job
- get my driver license
- try a sport i've never played before
- learn to cook 10 dishes (0/10)
- buy at least 10 accessories (0/10)
- try 5 new types of food (0/5)
- back up all of my files on the computer
- make a list of 100 inspiring quotes (5/100)
- go 24 hours w/o watching tv once a week
- discover 15 things i love about myself (0/15)
- get a manicure and/or pedicure
- make a postcard for postsecret
- post 10 inspirational notes in public places (0/10)
- do at least 20 crossword puzzles (0/20)
- buy a ring to wear everyday
- finish dance (arangetram)
- get to the next level on guitar hero
- buy a white board for my room
- don't procrastinate for first week every month
- spend the first year of driving without an infraction
- choose my outfits the night before for 2 months (0/2)
- get a map of the world and mark every place i've been/want to go
- buy a planner where i write down EVERYTHING in my schedule
- buy at least two nice business outfits (0/2)
- eat 1 fruit everyday
- exercise at least once a week
- drink 4 glasses of water every day
- order 20 healthy dishes at restaurants (0/20)
- brush my teeth 2 times every day
- wear my retainer every night
- mediate once a week to reduce stress
- no caffeinated beverages for first two weeks of every month
- take a vitamin everyday
- don't touch my face ever
- become vegetarian for ten weeks (0/10)
- gather courage and do the mall spa
- paint nails once a month (1/33)
- floss teeth once everyday
- moisturize everyday
- use the wii fit once a month for 5 months (0/5)
- save $5 everytime I acquire $10+ ($0)
- maintain an accurate expense account
- 10 "no spend" days at the mall (0/10)
- collect and save all change
and lastly
- make a new 101 list
- SAVE FOR 2010
- SAVE FOR 2011
jan 25 2009 ∞
jun 12 2009 +