My names Gilbert. Feel free to call me Gil. I'm 24, nonhuman, panromantic, asexual, and polyamorous to answer any of that curiosity right off the bat.

My twitter, I tweet about everything. Generally safe. Not really nsfw, sometimes I say some things but keep it small and nothing detailed. I talk about my personal life. I avoid politics and negativity happening for the most part for my sanity. You will see 2% of any of that stuff, not even.

I'm willing to talk/discuss about anything. I don't like being angry and I value friendship and loyalty more than anything. Please talk to me if you have a problem with/about me or generally need someone to speak too. I'm almost always online and it's not a bother at all.

A lot of people describe me as a good bean/egg/cinnamon roll. I've grown to just accept all these positive good terms. Feel free to ask my anything at any time.

feb 24 2017 ∞
mar 21 2018 +