• Jay Tesoro. My guy, my best friend, my lover. We've made it through good times and bad, and you showed me how it feels to be treated like a princess. You've opened up my eyes to new things, and I have done the same to you. You have made one of the biggest impacts on my life, and helped shaped me as a person. We may not be perfect, but when I'm with you, I get a good idea of what perfection is. February 25, 2012.
  • Shannon Sin. One of the smartest, funniest, down-to-earth girls I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. In the time that we talked, we shared a lot of laughs, and we helped each other through serious times. I have the pleasure of saying that the former was more prevalent in our friendship. You are one of the best friends I have ever had. We may not talk as much now, but I know that you're going to go far in life. I only wish the best for you. 2007-2010.
  • Celine Serafin. One of the easiest people to talk to. The person with the strongest faith to God and loyalty to friends and family. Never has she ever turned her back on me, even when I'm being difficult. There were many times that we didn't talk to each other, but every time that I came crawling back to her, she accepted me with open arms. You are one of my best friends and I can trust you with anything. You're such a strong person, with such strong morals. I catch myself being envious of your faith at times. Thank you for watching over me all the time, and being so kind to me when I don't deserve it. Treble Choir, 2009.
  • Gabriela Puno. There is so much to say about you. You're the one who brings laughter into our group. You can bring a smile to anyone, really. You're so talented and forgiving and kind, as much as you may deny it. You give love to those who don't deserve it, and you still love those who have hurt you. I'm so proud of everything you do, and I'm so happy that I can call you one of my best friends. Thank you for always trying to cheer me up even when I become distant from the group. I hope that you find yourself and find peace with yourself. You're really a lovely person. 2010.
oct 6 2009 ∞
jan 28 2013 +