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kitten aka jj ✩✩ [ao3 curledupkitten/kittebasu] i like to write stories and poetry, watch anime, and go mountain hiking, and dance ballroom. linguistics: secret syntactician, morphology nooooooo but yesssss, pragmatics, language preservation

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hi i'm kitten/jj and these lists, along with all my social media, are maintained for my personal use but if you find something of use that's great!

my writing notes on listo are updated the most often.

some general kitten notes:

  • i am usually friendly, but i do not go out of my way to talk to people. i think i am bothering you. i probably am. i will 99.9 percent of the time talk back to you if you @ me though. sometimes i am having an anxiety attack and can't. please don't take it personally. (not making excuses, just giving an explanation.)
  • if a link is broken on anything ever please feel free to let me know on twitter and i'll fix it/update it.
  • i dont reply to any comments on lists because i'm not actually good at using this site and constantly forget to check.
  • i also usually don't reply to fic comments, the best way to talk to me about fic is on twitter. i worry a lot about tone, and don't enjoy the feeling of not knowing whether i've said something correctly.
  • i also have three tumblrs but those are also maintained for me and not for others so updates are sporadic. HOWEVER, even if i don't know you, i'll tag specific content if you ask me too, preferably via twitter or tumblr ask (anon is ok). the chats... i'm not good at checking those either, if i'm honest.
  • my social anxiety is really, really, really severe, and i find twitter's ephemeral nature easiest to deal with wrt having conversations in public. if you need to reach me on a matter that's personal or private, i can be reached at the e-mail curleduphere AT gmail DOT com, and you are more than welcome to e-mail me about anything, including fic content or whatever if ur nervous to read something from the tags.
  • i don't write on request, please don't ask me to write for you, because i won't. it's not because i don't like you, i just can't write things that haven't personally inspired me, and my backlog of personal ideas is very very large.
  • translations of my writing are always allowed, you do not have to ask.
  • i tweet about bugs. #bugs will always accompany all my bug tweets.
  • if you @ me with a picture of birds i will curse your descendants for thousands of years, i hate them.
  • i use she/her pronouns if you like using pronouns.
dec 5 2016 ∞
mar 12 2018 +