structural plasticity the idea that the brain can be shaped

the brain is part of our central nervous system


central nervous system spinal cord + brain

peripheral nervous system the rest of your nervous system

limbic system

  • hippocampus (learning new memories)
  • amygdala (flight, flight, freeze) fear
  • basil ganglia (works with amygdala)
  • thalamus (works with hippcampus)

hebbian learning + latent learning

reuptake neurotransmitters go from one synapse to another by going into a synaptic cleft

SSRI redirects the neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft

serotonin regulates mood, hinders impulsive behavior, tells your brain you've had enough dopamine regulates motivation, establishes reward pathways, tells your brain you want more

jan 29 2024 ∞
jan 29 2024 +