attitudes relatively stable thoughts, feelings and responses we have towards people, situations and ideas; ca affect our behavior

+ behavior can also affect attitude

cognitive dissonance state of tension that resilts when behaviors are inconsistent with their attitudes

  • can be reduced u adjusting the behavior to fit the attitude
  • can be reduced by adjusting the attitude to fit the behavior

central route straight forward / stats, information

peripheral route emotional / cute mascot, characters, colorful colors

persuasion the act of trying to convince someone

  • persuasion the results of persuasion are internal and related to a change in attitude

compliance on the otherhand, occurs when people voluntarily change teir behavior at the request of another person or group

foot in the door technique small request (yes) → bigger request (yes)

door in the face technique big request (no) → smaller request (yes)

persuasion intent to convince and sway someone's attitudes and opinions; may or may not influence their actions as a result

compliance changing behavior at the request of another person or group who don't have authority over you

comformity changing behaviors based on what others are doing, believing, showing

obedience changing behaviors due to a command from an authority figure(s)

nov 13 2023 ∞
nov 13 2023 +