bipolar disorder depression and mania

  • mania - feeling overly happy for long periods of time
  • talking fast, become easily distracted, having overconfidence in abilities, risky behaviors
  • depression - feeling sad or hopeless for long periods of time
  • significant change in appetite, thoughts of self harm/suicidal tendenciesm feeling fatigued/lack of energy, problems with focusing and memory

+ treatments for bipolar include medication, cognitive behaviorial therapy and lifestyle stabilization

+ some bipolar disorder medications taken can have severe side effects, making it hard for people with bipolar disorder to stay on them

bipolar I disorder characterized by atlest 1 manic episode

bipolar II disorder includes 1 major depressiveepisode with an episode of hypomania

cyclothymia has less intense episodes of depression and hypomania

bipolar disorder unspecified doesnt meet the criteria for any other type btut still has periods of abnormally elevated mood

+ very important not to misdiagnose someone who has bipolar disorder with major depressive disorder

1.7% of american adults from ages 10-64 will have bipolar disorder in a given year

rapid cycling means an individual experiences four or more episodes of mania, hypomania or depression in a year

bpd and bipolar disorder are NOT the same

  • borderline personality disorder is a mental illness marked by servere emotionl dysregulation
  • depression impulsivity & unstable personal relationships are common early trauma and brain chemistry assoictated

to warrant a personality disorder diagnosis, behaviors must be:

  • pervasive
  • inflexible
  • stable
  • of long duration
  • causing clinically significant distress
  • shown in atleast two of these domanins: cognition, affectivity, interpersonal functioning, impulse control

there are cluster A, B, and C - personality disorder

  • cluster A described as strange, eccentric, socially removed and mistrustful (ex. paranoid, schizoid, schizotypal)
  • cluster B described as dramatic, erratic, temperamental, difficult, and low on empathy (ex. histrionic, narcissistic, antisocial, borderline)
  • cluster C described as anxious and afraid (ex. avoidant, dependent, obsessive-compulsive)
nov 20 2023 ∞
nov 20 2023 +