the science behind addictive games

  • stage 1 - quick level up for dopamine release
  • stage 2 - wait times are added for players to wait for dopamine release
  • stage 3 - offering shortcuts for players to progress in the game at a faster rate (typically with in real life $$$ and contributions)
  • stage 4 - game keeps players engaged with perks


  • earn points, recieve rewards, overcome challenges
  • brain gets excited
  • players achieve motivation and pleasure/happiness

internet gaming disorder (IGD) reoccupation, tolerance, withdrawal, persistence, escape, problems, deception, displacement, conflict

there are a few judgements Prof. Kennedy points out about the criteria, such as: escape, can be due to other reasons not due to the video game and the question of is it a gaming addiction/disorder or is it just a addictive disorder in general with a broader term*

  • reserahcers debatewhether IGD should be categorized as an addiction
  • whether IGD is a subtype of internet addiction or video addiction
  • whether IGD is a unique and separate issue or something that derives from an underlying issue

emotions we can expect after a traumatic event can be: fear, sadness, confusion, anger, etc.

responses we can expect after a traumatic event can be: extreme aversion to where the traumatic event took place / places, things that are in relation to the traumatic event

post traumatic stres disorder (PTSD) trauma response continues months, years, or lifelong after trauma

  • nightmares
  • flashbacks
  • survivor's guilt

criteria for PTSD requires: criterion A event + symptoms persistent for atleast a month

big T and little T

  • big T fits into criterion A event + high level of trauma
  • little T not a criterion A event, but still a trauma response/feeling

complex PTSD considered PTSD+

  • prolonged, repeated trauma rather than a one-time traumatic experience
  • defenses can range and vary depending on the circumstance
  • threat of trauma of betrayl
  • negative self-perception

a lot of CPTSD symptoms are related to symptoms of borderline personality disorder (BPD)*

not everyone develops PTSD after a traumatic response but can feel these feelings for a short time after the event*

dissociation the unconcious disruption of conscience, thinking, feeling, and acting can be a trauma reponse/disorder (DID), however we call experience dissociation

nov 29 2023 ∞
dec 1 2023 +