dialectic both things can be true

sex the biolgoically influenced characteristics by which we define as intersex, female, and male

gender the behaviorial characteristics that we associate boy, girl, man, and woman

gender typing the process that a child goes through to be aware of their gender

gender role a set of expected behaviors, attitudes, and traits for men and for women

there is an est. of 25 million trans people across the world / 30% identify as nonbinary

gender dysphoria distress resulting from conflict between a person's birth-assigned sex and gender identity

sexuality our thoughts, feelings, and actions related to our physical attraction to another

sexual orienation the direction of our sexual attraction reflected in our longings and fantasies

brains differ with sexual orientation

  • difference in structure, size, and function of hypothalamus and neural pathways
  • three lines of evidence suggest a genetic influences on sexual orientation
  • links have found between found between sexual orientation and two genes on chromosomes 13 and 14
  • sexual orientation differs in many identical twin pairs (especially female twins), suggesting that epigenetics may also play a role

prenatal influences exposure to hormone levels during a critical period for brain development during second trimester may predispose an individual to later attraction

nov 6 2023 ∞
dec 1 2023 +