specific phobias
- marked fear abt specified object
- object provokes immediate fear/anxiety
- avoids or endured w/ intense fear
- fear out of proportion
- lasting 6months+
common phobias
- animals or insects
- heights
- enclosed spaces
- thunder
- blood
- each year close to 9% of all people in the U.S. have symptoms of specific phobia
- > 12% develop phobias at some point in their lives
- frequent comorbidity with other anxiety disorders
evidence tends to support the behavioral explanations:
UCS - snake bite -> UCR - fear
forest + UCS - snake bite -> UCR - fear
CS - forest -> CR - fear
- phobias develop through modeling
- observation and imitation
- phobias are maintained through avoidance
- phobias may develop into GAD when a person acquires a large number of them
systematic desensitization - slowly integrate the fear into the patient's life
- teach relaxation skills
- creates a fear hierarchy
- approach the fear more, fear less
- vivo desensitization (live)
- covert desensitization (imaginal)
decoupling - separates the fear from the conditioned stimulus
social anxiety disorder
- severe persistent, and irrational fear of social or performance situations
- talking, performing, eating, or writing in public
social anxiety disorder, SAD
- general fear related to functioning poorly
- people rate themselves as performing less competently than they actually are
- 7.1% of people in the U.S. experience SAD in any given year
- often begin in childhood and persists
cognitive explanation
- irrational or unrealistic beliefs about self and environment
- unrealistic high social standards
- views of themselves as unattractive and socially unskilled
- attentional bias toward social threat
automatic thoughts negative and automatic thoughts related to a specific context or event
- judgment or evaluation based
thinking errors
- all-or-nothing
- black and white thinking or dichotomous thinking
- anticipating neg. outcomes
- fortune telling
- catastrophizing
- disqualifying the pos.
- positive experiences or qualities do not matter
thinking errors
- emotional reasoning
- labeling
- mental filter
- undue attention to one negative detail instead of the entire context
- mind reading
- you know what others are thinking
- overgeneralization
- sweeping negative conclusions that go far beyond current context
- "should" and "must" statements
- fixed precise idea of how you and others should behave
- socratic questioning
- ask questions like "are you sure this is will happen?" or "what is really the worst that can happen?"
- response to the automatic thoughts that arise in social situations
"stuttering during a convo does NOT make me stupid"