psych326 exam 2 ↴
read stress/stressor/stress response in previous notes!!!
activation of the hippocampus
ANS and the endocrine system produce arousal and fear responses
sympathetic nervous system would activate fight or flight response; key organs and responses activate
after the danger has passed, the parasympathetic nervous system brings it back to normal
those with ptsd have their sympathetic nervous system on overdrive at all times/times when it's not needed
hypothalamus - releases hormones that activate our pituitary glands
releases adrenocorticotropic hormone which activates adrenal cortex; produces corticosteroids
high cortisol levels increase the risk of heart disease along with anxiety; linked to PTSD
experiences of arousal and fear vary depending on a person
_those with anxiety sensitivity, they're more likely to be affected by stress and in stressful situations
after trauma, most people experience physiological arousal/response
PTSD DSM 5 criteria
criterion A
re-experiencing symptoms
avoidance of trauma-related stimuli
negative thoughts that begin or worsen after tauma (two)
*neg affect - sadness
arousal began or worsened after the trauma
ASD acute stress disorder between one day and one month
PTSD is diagnosed for months/time after the month