utilitarinism is a form of consequencialism, it defines the right of actions based on their effects and produces the best consequences

maximizing happiness ; the best possible consequences according to john stuart mill

  • mill believes that happiness is the only thing of intrinsic value *endgame* ; and knowledge is intrinsically valuable as it brings us happiness
  • everyones happiness counts equally and should be equally considered
  • this means we should not consider our happiness the most during a situation
  • value based thinking / actions
  • happiness is intrinsically value
  • maximizing happiness is comparative; we must compare the chosen action with all possible actions ; value high order pleasures over low order values

intrinisic value has value in itself without needing the world to determine it's worth

  • money is not an example, as it's extrensically valuable, depending on the value we give it
  • our nature as humans make us intrinsically valuable

consequentialist consider the intentions are irrelevant and the nature of the action is irrelevant too

deontology states the belief that the consequences don't matter, and only the intention does

according to mill; an action is right if and only if it would likely produce as least as high a utility

(net balance of happiness vs. unhappiness) as would any other alternative action that one might have performed instead

  • math in philo sigh
feb 5 2024 ∞
feb 7 2024 +