viruses - nucleic acid with a protein coat
once you reach 10nm, they are no longer cells/viruses, they are protein, lipid, molecule and atoms
microscopy is the tool to study cells!!!!
light microscopy use light to visualize cells
- bright field, quick and easy form of microscopy
- stained bright field microscopy is clearer, but kills cells
- faze contrast microscopy, takes advantage of the substance within the cells and you can see them via light refractions
- fluorescence microscopy, uses fluorescent substances see the structure of a cell (where the mitochondria is haha) specific color shows us what you want identified
- confocal microscopy, looks at indiv. layers
electron microscopy
- electron beams to generate image
- gets into the nitty gritty (like viruses)
- can only visualize alive organisms/cells with electron microscopy
- transmission electron microscopy, looks into the inside of the cells
- scanning electron microscopy, scans the outside of a cell