The endosymbiosis theory proposes that some organelles may be descended from prokaryotes that were engulfed by other, larger cells.

endomembrane system - a collection of membranes

  • plasma membrane
  • nuclear envelope
  • endoplasmic rectilium (ER)
    • network of interlocked membranes in the cytoplasm, large surface
      • rough endoplasmic reticulum (rer) - ribosomes attached !!! makes it bumpy and rigid. newly made proteins are made, enters through the rer lumen where they're modded, folded and transported
      • smooth endoplasmic rectilium (ser) - tube shaped, no RIBOSOMES. synthesis of lipids and steroids
  • Golgi apparatus - processes and transport proteins / secretions
  • lysosome
    • breaking down waste, bacteria, worn-out cell parts, and turning over unwanted material

vesicles are the arms/cogs; they move things in these organelles

mitochondria is the lone wolf chloroplasts too are not part of the system of... plant/pro

  • two membranes
  • more abdundent in cells that use energy; (more in the <3 and lungs, less in skin cells)
  • mitochonrdial matrix contains ENZYMES, DNA, RIBOSOMES

euk cells

  • energy producing organelles
  • plant cell specific - something

mitochondria is in both animal and plant cells

  • produces energy-rich ATP adenosine triphosphate, using fuel molecules and O2 (cellular respiration) ; fuel - nutrition
  • atp-charged battery/powerbank
  • mitochondria go through their own cell division, separate from the cell

endosymbiotic theory mitochondria (and plastids) were their own bacteria cell and was ingeted by a bigger cell and became what it is today, likely they used oxygen when they were solo bacteria cells

chloroplasts are plastids with chlorophyll; where photosynthesis is done - light energy to chemical energy

  • two membranes
  • thylakoids - circular compartments of the inner membrane; light harvesting for energy


  • stores waste and toxic compounds think bile
  • provides structure for plant cells; water enters by osmosis, creates pressure and pushes plasma membrane against the cell wall

endomembrane system and nucleus may have originated from inward folds of plasma membrane of prokaryotes

you get your mitochondria from your mother and only your mother


  • structure
  • holds thing in place
    • three types of proteins
      • microfilaments - tiniest ; actin ; can join together and allows the cell membrane to change shape
      • intermediate filaments - holds thing in position ; shape and structure
      • microtubules - taxis, vesicles to move ; travel along roads
jan 24 2025 ∞
jan 27 2025 +