Many things can make me sad and angry, but there are more that can make me smile, and make me enjoy and feel the happiness in my life.
- The first time of the year I smell the scent of Spring.
- Looking at a cloudless sky full of stars in a Winter night. ☆
- Waking up early a Summer morning and the sun shines on my face. ☼
- Walking on a path surrounded by tall trees in red a windy Autumn day.
- When I look at the digital clock and the time is 11:11. Make a wish!
- Being inside when it rains outside. ☂
- Walking in the middle of nowhere with no one else than me around.
- Looking out of the window and you see a rainbow on the blue sky.
- When it begins to pour out of nowhere.
- Sitting on the swing a warm sunny day and feeling the fresh air blowing on my face.
- Lying on my bed knowing that I don't need to get up.
- Just the thought of a happy moment from my past.
- Listening to my old favourite songs, it feels so nostalgic. ☊
- Those moments when everything just seems perfect.
- Going on a vacation knowing that you are far away from your real life.
- Hearing those who always are pessimistic say something optimistic.
- Finding something important after thinking that I had lost it for ever.
- Having a good time with my cousins like we always have.