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i make lists of my favorite exo fanfiction when im bored

fanfics in each list are arranged by the ones that i like the most to the ones i like the least

//i mainly ship kaisoo, kaichen, suchen, taoris, baekyeol and baekris so naturally i read more fanfics about these pairings

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for my own reference because i like reading good exo fanfiction and i don't want to forget my favourites (in no particular order and ongoing)

  • "we are good" (Kris / Chanyeol)


  • Anterograde Tomorrow (Jongin / Kyungsoo)


  • How To Pet: A User's Guide (Luhan / Chen)


  • Underbelly (Sehun / Jongin)


  • A Taste of Compulsion (Jongin / Kyungsoo)


  • thoughts: pernicious (Jongin / Kyungsoo)


aug 10 2013 ∞
may 23 2019 +

(PG-13) it’s not the first time he travels through space, but it’s the first time he teleports into another universe.

(NC-17) Sleeping with the lover of East Asia's most dangerous arms dealer wasn't one of Oh Sehun's brightest ideas.

(NC-17) "Yo," the idiot says, infuriatingly calmly, "how would you like me to offer you a job?"

(-)Kyungsoo ang Jongin have been together for a long time. A lot of memories have been made. A tragic accident can cange e v e r y t h i n g... Can sacrifice fix it all?

aug 31 2013 ∞
feb 21 2014 +