this is my first list ever. i'm a hormoaning wreck at the moment, so here is a list of things i hate. safe to say, i forgot lots, but who cares, teddy bears? you get the picture.
- the smell
- the look of it
- feeling sick
- being sick
- dog owners who
- can't keep their fucking dogs inside their fucking gates
- think it's totally fine not to put a leash on their dog
- say "RELAX HE JUST WANTS TO PLAY!" after their fucking dog jumps on me and leaves me a crying, hyperventilating, shaking wreck
- my accent (seriously, i have a horrible norwegian accent when i try to speak english)
- awkward silence
- snow
- people who sing along to songs they don't know the lyrics of
- sausages
- all the sounds people make when they
- eat
- sleep
- breathe
- go to the toilet
- have a cold
- chew gum
- yawn
- whisper
- exams
- timed essays
- homework
- coursework
- insects
- SPIDERS (brb suicide)
- being ignored
- everything mentioned in "_is it just me or si everything shit?_" (minus the kaiser chiefs. yes, i'm lame, okay?)
- busses
- boats
- having mah periods - THE PAIN IS TOO MUCH
- when you have to sneeze but it gets stuck and it tickles and your eyes water but it just won't come out
- hiccups
- using public toilets
- using other peoples toilets (i live with a host family and believe me, it's a nightmare)
- betty suarez
- bella swan/stephenie meyer
- people who go like "oooh, i though you were really cool, but you like pop-music? just lost my respect for you."
- music elitism. words cannot describe how much i HATE ~music elitists~
- short stories. minus swamp. swamp is too beautiful to be hated
- coldsores
- spots
- my hair
- hairy toes
- tounges
- facebook
- having dinner at other people's house (like i said - nightmare living with a host family)
- vegetables
- people who remind me of me
- emetophobia
- getting up in the morning
- going to bed
- "the song the final countdown is now playing in your head"
- "you are now breathing manually"
- when my pens run out of ink
- gone with the wind
- like knuckle cracking. you know what i mean
- When Every Word In A Sentence Starts With A Capital Letter For No Reason
- people never ever shut the door behinf them in moves! IT DRIVES ME CRAZY
- horatio from csi:miami
- coughing
i am sick of this list now. i have to do some exam prep. and some archaeology. i have an E in archaeology. oops?